Welcome ladies and gentlemen to my collection of deleted SCPs.
I will update it when a new one appears.
(..Data Accessed. Level 5 access required - granted. Permission granted to: 05 council member . All known of SCP-2091 accessed…Please note that SCP-2091's files have been made abnormally for use of convenience…"
Subject #SCP-2091
Object class: Thaumiel
Subject-2091 Description:
A tall man (Proven gender through multiple experiments) dressed in thick black armor. Attempts to remove armor have resulted in complaints of pain. Further analysis, with very little cooperation from Subject, seems to reveal that there is no skin underneath, only a thick black substance that writhes like worms. Subject has a descripted "Perfect" face, as been told by the only 05 councilwoman allowed contact with him, 05 councilwoman [Data expunged]. Subject wears a sword on his back that seemingly is part of him, as when drawn from its sheath blood begins to leak from the "Scabbard". Sword has been proven to be able to destroy any substance, save for those thick enough, such as powerful Tungsten. SCP-2091 seems to have the ability to freeze small objects, simply by making contact, but contact with large human and SCP tissue has proven ineffective of freezing. Since he can only successfully freeze maximum 5 inches thick and 20 inches wide flesh or tissue, issuing SCP-2091 to help with containment breaches is mostly for either total, slow destruction or the ability to evacuate premises. Subject has promised in such a event he would meet back up with the Scientists, which is quite strange in itself.
SCP-2091 is the only SCP in Unit 19 that has been able to successfully kill previously thought to be 'invincible' SCPs. Case given: SCP-2091 was successfully able to destroy a sample of SCP-682, the tissue sample a foot across and five inches wide. He drew his sword and sliced it in half, then froze and continued to slice the pieces until nothing remained but dust-sized specks that did not return life, even after 48 hour surveillance. If Subject-682 does escape his containment, immediate dispatch of Subject 2091 is heavily recommended.
SCP-2091 is an extremely valuable subject and should not by any means by treated aggressively, as it only attacks those it defines as "Pure evil". Rumors around the Subject consist of him coming from God's army to gift the earth, to act as a forward scout of a Supernatural force, and many more. When presented with these rumors, Subject finds all quite comedic besides the theory that he is a soldier preparing the world for Rapture; when this is mentioned subject becomes quiet and does not respond to human contact until the person whom spoke asks for forgiveness, to which he brushes it off; subject recorded to have had a much darker mood after rumor is asked for confirmation and forgiveness is given.
SCP-2091 is to be held within a 10-foot-thick Tungsten cell at all times, with a single, thick, heavily concreted window of shatterproof glass to communicate. Regular visits by 05 councilwoman [Data expunged] are suggested, so as to see the effect his presence has on humans. None of this is to be mentioned to 05 councilwoman [data expunged].
SCP-2091's cell is to be kept in total dark at all times, stocked regularly with objects and tissue samples for SCP-2091 to slice in order to observe effects. No special camera modifications are required for observation of SCP-2091, though night vision lenses are recommended.
SCP-2091 is allowed a total of 60 minutes outside of cell a day, mostly to observe bizarre effects of its 'sword' on various SCP tissue samples.
In the very off event that SCP-2091 does attack humans, it is noted that he is an EXTREMELY dangerous subject, perhaps even moreso than previously thought to be the most dangerous SCP, SCP-682. SCP-2091, having the ability to completely destroy SCP-682, if only a small tissue sample, would be devastating if he were to turn on humans. Further research shows that in case of SCP-2091 aggressively breaching containment, complete and utter total destruction of the facility is required, by any means possible. Nuclear solutions have been given the go if the case proves to be as serious. All doors must be locked down, although it's not known if he could slice through like he can other metals or not. Guards, doctors and D-subjects inside are not allowed to leave by any means possible. Suggested to set up 5000-meter kill zone of the most highly trained sharpshooters outside facility to destroy any human that escapes, as any that SCP-2091 "designates" to kill will bring threat to all those that are around him/her. Threats and obvious mental hate towards Subject-2091 are to be entirely avoided, as subject has proven to not take very kindly to these, sometimes denying important information after such a dislike towards him becomes apparent. Although SCP-2091 has escaped his cell almost five times, there has never been a recorded case of him refusing to return to his cell, nor being aggressive towards those that aim weapons at him. Subject even apologizes for escaping, most excuses being "I wanted to take a walk."
Subject uses:
Not only has SCP-2091 proved to be able to destroy SCP-682, he also acts as a sort of 'detector' to discern the psychological mindsets for new SCP subjects. He has many times observed pictures of SCP subjects and described them as "Pure good", "Harmless," "Harmful" or "Pure evil." Included observations consist of Subject-682, ("Pure evil") Subject-166, ("Harmful") Subject-378 ("Pure evil") and Subject-008. (Surprisingly, SCP-2091 took one look at SCP-008 and said "Harmless." When Doctor [Data expunged] reminded him it was extremely dangerous, SCP-2091 audibly laughed, held up his hand in the form of a finger pistol and pretended to blow his brains out. He chuckled again and the subject was dropped.)
Audio transcript:
1-A: 05 councilwoman [data expunged], female, age [data expunged]. Date: [Data expunged]
Doctor [data expunged]: Good morning, 2091.
2091: "Good morning, doctor…"
05 councilwoman[data expunged]: "Normally it's against protocol to ask, as many think you are more of a tool of war than a sentient being, but how are you?"
2091: "A bit warmer than usual."
05 councilwoman [data expunged] quickly checks the Cell condition screen, with no temperature change having been made since almost three months ago in the Cell. "I do not know why."
2091: "Perhaps it is merely your presence."
Councilwoman 05 [data expunged] visibly blushes, her knees shaking before she regains her composure. "2091, can you identify a few SCP personalities for me?"
2091: "Of course, I suppose."
05 councilwoman [data expunged] begins drawing pictures of only the name and picture of different SCP subjects. SCP-005 has been marked as "harmless", SCP-049 has been marked, "Pure evil", and SCP-127 has been marked "Harmless." The short allotted time of speech between her and him has ended. This is the only available audio recording to all but the absolute highest of authority.
Item #: SCP-2914
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2914 is a car. Due to the unpredictableness and the energy on the car, the car is to be held on site [DATA REDACTED] in a Depleted Uranium cell measuring 10X10 meters. The chamber is to have 24 hour video surveillance with an armored camera inside the chamber. Safety protocols state that no less than 2 heavily armed guards and the research personnel enter the chamber. In the event that the car attacks the personnel, full force is to be used on SCP-2914, since the Foundation does not know what it's capable of yet. When this SCP is being carried to a testing area, 10 specialized armed guards are to be guarding the steel cell being used to transport SCP-2914. So far, only 5 tests have been conducted.
Description: SCP-2914 is a 1993 BMW car, as described on the car itself. It has mysterious energies emerging from it, confirmed by test [REDACTED]. The car has also shown “hatred” of animals, including humans, in tests consisting of an extremely heavily armored chicken and the car in a room. The car ran over the chicken, ripping off the armor and crushing the chicken. The car is to be under surveillance at all times. SCP-2914 was found in a rusty field, immobilized by a boulder on top of its hood. Once foundation personnel got close, they felt sick. The car then was confirmed anomalous and towed to Site [DATA EXPUNGED]. There it was contained with new protocols.
Addendum: This SCP has been transported to heavy containment site [REDACTED] for more secure containment as of **.