Matherson's drafting board
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-XXXX are to be sealed in clear plastic coin collector’s capsules, which are in turn to be kept in a locked [foam insulated] security case in Provisional Containment Site-28.

Researchers and cleaning staff are required to wear perspex safety goggles and latex gloves when handling all instances of SCP-XXXX to avoid exposure in the event of accidental containment breach.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a 1922 print silver Liberty Dollar coin. Other than slight discoloration from age and [presumably] the number of times it has changed hands, it is otherwise unremarkable.

SCP-XXXX-1 has the following properties;
- Direct eye contact with the coin causes a person to be instantly compelled to pick it up.
- Direct skin contact generates an involuntary form of en-mass telepathy. The exposed subject seems to unwillingly project all of his or her thoughts directly into the minds of everybody within a 50m radius. This effect is completely uncontrollable. Penetrates walls, ceilings and floors with no apparent hindrance. And lasts for as long as the subject is holding the coin.
- Subject also appears unwilling [or unable] to relinquish SCP-XXXX-1 after skin contact is made.
Dr. ████, who initially discovered this, had to be forcibly injected with high strength muscle relaxant in order for Foundation to recover SCP-XXXX-1.

Aquisition Report: Originally found in a known vagrant's squat in █████████, when a number of residents in the local area reported hearing bizarre sounds and voices when in close proximity to the building, all of which appeared to originate from inside the listeners' heads and varied wildly from person to person.
Investigation of the squat by Foundation MTF Pi-1 found it completely abandoned except by an apparently comatose vagrant.
SCP-XXXX-1 was found gripped tightly in his hand after being taken into Foundation care, and the vagrant was later declared clinically brain-dead upon closer medical examination.

Foundation has authorized testing of SCP-XXXX-1 on Class D personnel, in secure laboratory conditions, to attain conclusive evidence of its effects [after research and recovery teams partial activation of the coin].


Test subject D-1164 [a Caucasian male in his early 50s] was chosen to play "Host" to SCP-XXXX-1 for a period of three weeks, during which his projected thoughts would be monitored along with his physical and mental health.
Subject was locked in a secure monitoring chamber, given ample food and water, and told simply to keep the coin on his person at all times;


It also appears that, over time, direct exposure to SCP-XXXX-1 causes the Host's projected thoughts to be "worn out" of their minds, until there is little to no brain activity left to be broadcast.

In turn, these thoughts are permanently branded into the minds of those constantly within SCP-XXXX-1's effective range. Imprinting in the form of rogue memories, nightmares, hallucinations and alien thought patterns.

This effect on the indirectly exposed has so far only been seen to be reversible though advanced amnesiac therapy.

Addendum XXXX-2: on 08/12/████, a further instance of SCP-XXXX [SCP-XXXX-2] was discovered in ███████, approximately [DATA EXPUNGED] kilometers from the site of SCP-XXXX-1 discovery, and in similar circumstances.

Addendum XXXX-3: on 10/18/████, a third instance of SCP-XXXX [SCP-XXXX-3] was discovered.
Foundation is led to believe that an even larger number of SCP-XXXX remain in circulation or in private hands.