SCP-XXXX - 1st draft
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be contained in a standard humanoid cell and is to be treated as a normal personnel.

Upon an activation of an SCP-XXXX-Alpha event, SCP-XXXX's corpse will be analyzed for more information.

Description: SCP-XXXX is one █████ ████, an 18-year-old college student of Asian descent. SCP-XXXX is non-anomalous, except when entering an SCP-XXXX-Alpha event.

Upon falling into REM sleep, SCP-XXXX automatically triggers an SCP-XXXX-Alpha event. Upon activation, SCP-XXXX immediately dies, with all organs showing no sign of life. A puncture will appear on the subject's forehead, and a black substance will be released from the puncture. This substance will cover the subject's entire body and will only stop spreading when the subject's body is completely wrapped in the substance. Attempting to retrieve this substance for analysis has proven futile, as all attempts of retrieving show no black substance retrieved. The black substance also acts non-existent, as contact with SCP-XXXX's body results in "passing through" the black substance and touching SCP-XXXX's body as usual.

The duration of an SCP-XXXX-Alpha event seems to be random, with the range being between ██ minutes and █ days. The event ends when all the black substance vaporizes and disappears in a few seconds. Upon conclusion of the event, SCP-XXXX will be revived by an unknown mean and wake up. SCP-XXXX will resume his life as if he has just waken up from a deep sleep.

SCP-XXXX constantly shows sign of mild emotional distress, despite having no sign of depression. Subject's emotional status improves a little after an SCP-XXXX-Alpha's conclusion, stating that he feels "soothing" and "fine, in a way."

Addendum XXXX-01: Discovery

SCP-XXXX was discovered on ██/██/████ in ██████ University after reports of a student "bleeding black blood while dying" appeared. The Foundation immediately brought SCP-XXXX into custody, and class-B amnestics were used for the entirety of ██████ University.

Addendum XXXX-02: Interview XXXX-██

The interview was conducted a week after SCP-XXXX's classification.

Begin Log

Dr. █████: Good morning, SCP-XXXX. I hope that you have been feeling better.

SCP-XXXX: Mmhm, I'm feeling fine. It's weird to hear how you are given a number as your name, but I do like messing up with numbers, so I guess I'm ok with it.

Dr. █████: I want to ask you a few questions about your anomalous nature. Do you happen to know how you acquire this ability?

SCP-XXXX: Do we have the time, doctor? I want to tell you quite a long story about me.

Dr. █████: Go ahead.

SCP-XXXX: Sometimes, your life is not what you have wanted. I don't know if you have ever felt like that, but I have been feeling like that since the beginning of college. I have imagined college to be such a better place than, well, what I am having now. I didn't see a way out, I just felt really incomplete. School work, studying what I didn't want to, having close to 0 friends, whatever. My… My last few years have been a dream, the best dream I have had. And what I have now is just something so disfigured, like everything I have in my head, burned into cinders. Do you follow my train of thought?

Dr. █████: I do. Please continue.

SCP-XXXX: And then it was my 18th birthday. Sounds great, wasn't even eventful. I had a couple of wishes from my family and old friends, and that's it. I decided to go to bed early. And I started to have this… this huge nostalgic dream.

You know, I am quite the person of the past. I treasure my beautiful memories, they are all in my head. Sometimes I just suddenly fell into a long lapse of nostalgia without even noticing it. I mean, I am unhappy about myself right now, but I love my past and everything that has happened. It becomes so beautiful and glittering when it's gone. Anyway, in this dream I had, it was like everything appeared in colors so vivid I had never imagined. Faces, things, events, they all arrived in front of me and I recognized them all. What I have done, what I have spent so much time looking back, all came back in front of my eyes. It was the most comfortable moment I have had for the entire year, this one single dream. And in the end of it all, a… I don't really know what to call it, an angel, I guess? I mean, I can't even figure out the gender, but let's go with angel.

I remember the angle not being abnormal or anything, if there's a word to describe it would be plain. I can't say I remember its face, but… I'm sure it smiled at me. Praised me for not being greedy, and told me it would give me a gift. But you know, in this world nothing is for free, even in your dreams, so I asked it about that and it only replied with "why would you pay the price when everything you are buying belongs to you?" And that was when I woke up.

Dr. █████: And you believe this event led to you obtaining your current anomalous nature?

SCP-XXXX: I think so. The next day passed by grey and uneventful like usual, and I went to bed, only to woke up, I guess a few minutes later. When I opened my eyes, I wasn't in my room anymore. There were a lot of lights. And I didn't know why, but I wanted to cry badly. I- (SCP-XXXX stared at the table for approximately a minute)

Dr. █████: SCP-XXXX?

SCP-XXXX: I'm sorry. It's just… I was trying to look for a phrase to describe the sensation I felt by then. My life, as of right now, has me having abandoned my emotions; I have kept a straight face for this entire year, and I can't say I really feel like smiling or crying or anything like that. In this world, in this society, when you put up a smile in front of people you are lying to yourself, and I hate lying. But this time, it… it all felt so impulsive, and I felt like I wanted to cry, I needed to cry. I haven't cried like that for so long. That was when I realized that my voice sounded weird. It sounded like a baby crying.

I raised a hand up. Those tiny fingers were definitely not what I'm having right now. And then I was lifted up by, I think a nurse, and she turned me around. I looked at my mother, sweating badly but smiling. And I understood everything. That was when I was born. But it all felt so real, like I was actually living through it. I "woke up" shortly after that, this time in my bed. I only "slept" for 3 hours, yet I felt quite refreshed. Must have been the dream.

The days after that, I lived again through one fragment of my past each and every night. When I was 3, I made my first friend, and we would look at the washing machines and laugh together. When I was 4, I got a four-wheeled bicycle, and I was so happy. That happiness, the kind of happiness you can only find in a child, so innocent and playful, and then lost through time.

Dr. █████: So what you are trying to say is that when a SCP-XXXX-Alpha event is triggered, you will experience a part of your past?

SCP-XXXX: I suppose. It is more than that. All these feelings and emotions, they came back during those dreams. And I haven't experience anything like that for the past year. It was like I was living a second life that was just like my first one, so wonderful. It - (pauses for 12 seconds) I'm not delusional. I am aware that they are just dreams and I should not dwell on them too much. And I did not - I don't want to be greedy.

Dr. █████: Do these dreams you experienced affect you in real life?

SCP-XXXX: Every time I went through one of those dreams, I felt a little bit more motivated in real life, like when you feel satisfied for having finished a great movie. So I guess they helped me dealing with my current situation as well.

Dr. █████: Thank you. That will be all.