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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX shall be contained in a locked, five-inch-thick steel box. The key shall be placed in the office of [REDACTED] at Area ██. The box is to be submerged in a titanium tank full of water that does not exceed 42 degrees Fahrenheit. The only way to open the steel box containing SCP-XXXX is by using the hatch on the top of the tank. The water shall be kept at an appropriate temperature by a cooling system installed in the tank.

Should the cooling system fail, a complete lockdown of the containment chamber must be enacted. SCP-XXXX will never be allowed to leave the tank for longer than five minutes. Anyone who is to converse or interact with SCP-XXXX will be examined both physically and mentally forty eight hours prior to testing with SCP-XXXX. Anyone who is to speak to SCP-XXXX will be given a script to recite, and will stick to their lines or else they will be terminated immediately without question. (Refer to XXXX-01) Those speaking to SCP-XXXX must be told the questions to ask and If SCP-XXXX emits heat waves that exceed 20 hertz, and does not calm down after sitting in the frigid water for 5 minutes, the facility should commence to evacuation and facility-incubation immediately.

Description: SCP-XXXX appears to be composed of a substance with properties similar to that of the sun, and is considered mostly plasma. It has a definite shape of a sphere. SCP-XXXX was discovered in [REDACTED], Hawaii, after a cracked rock was spotted in a cave, and SCP-XXXX was later sighted on the beach. Further research has shown that the reason that the gas(and/or fire) substance has kept its shape is because SCP-XXXX has a gravity field of its own, which keeps the fiery substance stuck inside of it, creating a sphere shape.

SCP-XXXX has proven on multiple occasions to be a living entity with the full functionality of an average human. SCP-XXXX has shown the ability to levitate for unknown reasons, although Dr. ████████ believes it can do so because it exerts gases into a dense shape that keeps it afloat, however this has not been proven. It is not confirmed if SCP-XXXX is a star, or if it is from a different universe. SCP-XXXX has shown to be able to move up to speeds of 75 miles per hour. It can accelerate to these speeds within approximately two seconds.

SCP-XXXX has an incredible temper, and how severe it is depends on its environment. If it is left in a cold environment,(especially with water) it will lower its temperature, therefore lowering its temper. If it is in a molten environment, it will become extremely infuriated and compact itself into a black hole,(by increasing its gravity astronomically) as its energy will be too great to hold in its calm state. Research has shown a possibility that SCP-XXXX has a core. If this is evident, then it would likely explain that SCP-XXXX's state can go out of control if the core overheats or freezes. This has yet to be proven anything above a theory. SCP-XXXX will communicate with incomprehensible chirps, which seem to be only understood by the subject it is speaking toSCP-XXXX requires no functions of life support. Food, water, and other essentials are not useful in any way to SCP-XXXX's figure.

Any material that has come into contact with SCP-XXXX has been vaporized, aside from water that is temperature-monitored. Approval of cross-testing with SCP-XXXX and other SCPs is still undergoing review.

If one is to anger SCP-XXXX in the slightest way, SCP-XXXX will react. SCP-XXXX will then attempt to chase down the subject who angered it. If successful, it will return to a semi-docile state. If it cannot catch the one who angered it, or if the offense was too great, SCP-XXXX will then proceed to pack energy into it's core. It will grow in size until it reaches the size of a red giant, at which point it will explode just as if it were a star. The only way to calm it then is to freeze SCP-XXXX until it has reduced its size.

At times SCP-XXXX will reach "destructive behavior", as Dr. ████████ likes to call it, causing it to attack anyone randomly, unless calmed by water. Several reports of attacks on civilians at Hawaii, and on security guards randomly have shown evidence to this behavior.

Addendum XXXX-01:

Foreword: Dr. Jones Adams conducted a test on D-5789 with SCP-XXXX. D-5789 was examined and passed both examinations, but seemed very nervous in the test. D-5789 had a script to read aloud from to SCP-XXXX.

<Begin Log, [ 5:33 PM CST ]>

D-5789: I-I just gotta read from the paper, right?

Dr. Adams: Yes, now stick to the script!

D-5789: D-5789 reads aloud from the script Why h-hello s-s-sir. H-h-h-how are you today?

SCP-XXXX: Chirp! (Fine, I suppose, and you?)
Dr. Adams: What's it saying!?
D-5789: He's fine, he s-s-said. D-5789 reads aloud from the script, futhermore So, can you explain to me how you are alive?
SCP-XXXX: Ch-chirp! Chir-Chirp! (I am not so easy to figure out, is all you need to know.)
D-5789: D-5879 explains it to Dr. Adamns O-Okay. Then, can you tell me
<End Log, [optional time info]>

Closing Statement: [Small summary and passage on what transpired afterward]