"The Smiling Russian"
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Item #: SCP-3377

Type: Euclid


A picture of SCP-3377 in its cell.

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3377 is to be held within a standard humanoid containment chamber. Two armed guards are to survey SCP-3377 at all times.

SCP-3377 is not to come within 18 meters of any essential personnel. Guards stationed at SCP-3377’s cell are to be briefed on Level-2 Security information.Only authorized researchers and test subjects should be allowed social contact with SCP-3377 without protection from SCP-3377's telepathic abilities.

Description: SCP-3377 is a humanoid creature approximately 1.9 meters in height and 136kg in weight. Typically SCP-3377 will take the form of a green-scaled reptilian with a serpentine face, sharp teeth associated with carnivorous predators, reptilian eyes, and feathers located on the top and sides of the head.

Despite SCP-3377’s reptilian nature, subject possesses the ability to shape-shift into any humanoid form. When shape-shifting, SCP-3377’s weight remains at a constant 136kg.

SCP-3377 possess a minor form of telepathy, which allows it to read any surface level thoughts of any sentient being. Such abilities are limited, as they cannot affect individuals who are past walls approximately 15 centimeters in width, individuals 18 meters or greater away from the SCP-3377, or by a subject whose mental or cognitive functions are inactive or otherwise masked.

SCP-3377 can speak any language as long as it is within a distance of a sentient being that can likewise speak and understand the language. When alone or talked to remotely SCP-3377 can speak Russian, German, French, and English. All languages are heavily accented with a Russian accent with the exception of Russian speech. Any Russian speech is heavily accented with an American accent.

SCP-3377 is typically polite and friendly towards personal and test subjects, however SCP-3377 will attempt to control subjects through emotional and physical manipulation. SCP-3377 will use their telepathic ability to gauge the subject’s mental state and discuss items that the subject finds of interest in order to gain trust. If left alone with a subject, SCP-3377 will kill and replace the targeted individual.

If a subject has information deemed “critical” to SCP-3377's mission or disguise, SCP-3377 will consume the head of the victim. Upon consumption of the brain, SCP-3377 can create a near replication of its victim’s personality, attributes, skills, and memories. These qualities last until SCP-3377 consumes a new victim, though it can choose to retain select memories.

SCP-3377 was recovered in █████, Nebraska after a failed convenience store robbery. During an interview with the three surviving police officers, it was revealed that SCP-3377 had taken the form of Officer ████ ████, and stuffed the body within the trunk of Officer ████'s police cruiser. SCP-3377 was detained and all witnesses were given Class-A Amnesiacs.

Test 3377-1: Failed attempt at examining SCP-3377’s shape-shifting abilities. Basic physical given.

Interview 3377-2: SCP-3377 was given a test in order to gauge intelligence and various understandings of current events. SCP-3377 scored near perfectly in each category, with the exception of literature.

Interview 3377-5: Upon realization of SCP-3377's telepathy, SCP-3377 was reissued the intelligence test from Interview 3377-2. The test was handed out via a Security Officer who was not informed of the answers. SCP-3377 scored average on most subjects, with above average scores on history, politics, and pop culture.

Note: Why haven't we dealt with SCP-3377 yet? It's clearly hostile to the Foundation and provides little use to us. I suggest we either terminate or sedate it. - Researcher ███

Note: SCP-3377's telepathic ability seems useful when dealing with non-verbal or anti-social humanoid entities. If we can find a way to control it, we might be able to gain further insight into SCPs like SCP-352, SCP-1860, or SCP-2284. - Researcher Chess

Note: Yes. Put the hostile SCP next to OTHER hostile SCPs. I'm sure nothing bad will happen. - Researcher ███.