
SCP-XXXX overview and detail.

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a standard safe-class storage container accessible to Level-2 personnel or higher. By order of Site Director ████████, SCP-XXXX is never to be transported outside without supervision of Level-4 or higher personnel. Whenever the object is removed from its storage container supervising personnel must ensure that the room is completely closed (including air ducts) before testing.

An enclosed room seems to contain the effects of use, but we have no idea what will happen if we use this thing outside -Site Director ████████ █/█/20██

Description: SCP-XXXX is a large crescent (spanning) wrench stylized as a human hand making a pinching gesture. Like other wrenches of this type the jaws (fingers) can be spread by turning a worm gear in the head. The object is 61 cm long by 14 cm wide (from tip of thumb to the blade of the hand) with a 5 cm wide handle. It weighs approximately 3.6 kg. The jaws are capable of expanding to a maximum distance of 8.5 cm.

Material samples taken from the surface and core drilling are consistent with mundane tools. The majority of the mass is comprised of a drop-forged tool steel of higher-than-average hardness, with the exterior plated by an 80% copper 20% zinc alloy. Material dating is inconclusive, but places manufacture sometime in the last ███ years.

When placed on any nut and tightened to grip SCP-XXXX becomes extremely difficult, but not impossible, to turn. The difficulty of turning the wrench seems to be directly proportional to the volume of the containing room. When contained in an 8 meter square room, 4 test subjects were able to move the wrench with the assistance of a 5 meter long "cheater bar" providing 27,000 Nm of torque. See Test XXXX-2 for details.

If SCP-XXXX is successfully moved while attached to a nut the entire room1 and its contents will rotate the number of turned degrees in the opposite direction around the axis of the nut. This shift will not be perceptible to personnel in the room, aside from a perceived shift in the direction of gravity. Observers located outside the room report [DATA EXPUNGED]. Compound rotations are possible.

I think our concerns about the danger of taking this outside are unfounded. If it takes this much force to turn it indoors, I doubt anyone could accidentally move the Earth with this -Senior Researcher Dr. H█████ █/█/20██

Addendum XXXX-A: Acquisition
The object was discovered when paramedics were called to the house of P███████ K█████████. The subject had attempted to use SCP-XXXX to replace his kitchen sink trap. Due to the small volume of the enclosed space, it is presumed that the subject was able to rotate SCP-XXXX by the reported ██ degrees before expiring. When paramedics arrived on the scene they found the subject half inside the sink cabinet, with his torso [DATA EXPUNGED]. The object was remanded to Foundation custody and all present were administered Class-C amnestics and released.

Addendum XXXX-B: Test Log
Test XXXX-1
Supervising Personnel: Dr. J███
Date: █/██/20██
Test Subject: D-10985
Environment: 8m x 8m x 1.5m room with attached observation room separated by glass. Threaded shaft inserted into center of wall adjacent to door.

Log: D-Class subject entered the room and was instructed to remove SCP-XXXX from its container. The subject then placed a nut onto a threaded shaft and gave only a few turns by hand. Despite the ease of rotating by hand, once SCP-XXXX was placed on the nut the subject was completely unable to move the wrench around the rotation axis, even when using their full bodyweight. Test ended. SCP-XXXX returned to storage.

Test XXXX-2
Supervising Personnel: Dr. J███
Date: █/██/20██
Test Subjects: D-590111 D-528281 D-592283 D-533932 (All selected for exceptional physical strength.)
Environment: Same as previous test. Threaded shaft was moved to the far end of the wall adjacent to the door to allow more space for leverage.

Log: Four D-Class subjects entered the room and removed SCP-XXXX from its container. Subjects provided with a 5 meter long section of steel pipe for leverage. D-528281 placed a nut onto the threaded shaft and attached SCP-XXXX. Cheater bar placed over the handle of SCP-XXXX and four subjects attempted to pull the bar down from the far end. After 27 seconds of sustained effort, observers outside the room reported a sudden warping of their view by roughly 5 degrees. Subjects instructed to cease application of force.

Subject D-533932 instructed to leave room via the door. Subject complies and reports a distinct feeling of walking downwards through the door, followed by extreme discomfort. Subject then vomited blood and was taken to infirmary. Remaining D-Class personnel successfully rotate the room back by 5 degrees and exit safely. Test ended.

Test XXXX-3
Supervising Personnel: Dr. J███
Date: ██/█/20██
Test Subjects: D-590111 D-528281 D-592283 D-672272 (All selected for exceptional physical strength.)
Environment: Same as previous test.

Log: Test begins as previous, except subjects are not instructed to halt rotation until the room has been rotated 360 degrees. Testing becomes difficult after passing the 45 degree mark due to gravity shift. After 2 hours 24 minutes of work subjects succeed in completing one full rotation.

Subject D-590111 instructed to exit room via the door. Subject refuses and is threatened with termination. After 7 minutes subject complies. Upon stepping through the door D-590111 is immediately [DATA EXPUNGED] presumably caused by a topological anomaly generated by application of SCP-XXXX.

Remaining subjects take 4 hours 46 minutes to rotate the room back, and report only mild discomfort when leaving. Test ended.