MobiusFlip SCP - Forgotten In A Closet
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is currently stored in what appears to be a supply closet measuring two (2) meters wide by two and a half (2.5) meters deep by three (3) meters tall, according to floor plans of Site-██. The door to this closet is to remain locked at all times, and two (2) Foundation personnel are to prevent any and all access to the room without authorization of the Site Director, using any means necessary. In the event that the door is opened, Site-██ is to go into total lockdown until SCP-XXXX's location can be verified and it can be relocated to its containment cell if it has moved elsewhere.

Description: Very little is known about SCP-XXXX. It was most recently discovered when a Foundation employee reported a door in the basement of Site-██ marked "SCP-XXXX CONTAINMENT CELL - DO NOT OPEN." Subsequent inquiries revealed that no site personnel had any information about what was contained within the room, and Foundation servers are absent of any records of the room or SCP-XXXX save for a single floor plan of Site-██ identifying the room as a supply closet and providing its dimensions. SCP-XXXX is designated as Safe due to the fact that a locked door seems to have been expected to be enough to keep it contained. Based on these discoveries, SCP-XXXX is sometimes assumed to exert some effect which relies on others' knowledge of it, leading to the amnesticization of all Foundation personnel with information about it as part of its initial containment. However, tests performed on SCP-XXXX soon after its rediscovery indicated that it exerts an antimemetic effect which prevents anyone from sensing it either directly or through observations of recordings. No anomaly has occured in the █ years since the rediscovery of SCP-XXXX due to knowledge of the obtainable information about it. The reason for its unusual containment situation and the lack of any records before its rediscovery are still unknown.

Test A - ██/██/20██

Purpose: To help determine if SCP-XXXX exists physically in its containment cell.
Procedure: A small camera capable of detecting infrared and visible wavelengths was lowered to the far left of the gap between the door of the containment cell and the floor, and slowly moved to the right. At the same time, a white light was shined through the gap. A program was written to analyze the resulting footage and identify significant differences in darkness and color, and to use the motion of the camera in conjunction with the known dimensions of the room in order to estimate where in the room any objects with such different appearances would be. The program was designed to output a list of registered objects, their approximate colors and sizes, and their approximate positions in the room, after which the footage analyzed would be deleted to prevent human viewing and protect against a possible cognitohazard.
Results: One (1) object was identified in the containment cell, positioned in the center of the room with an inaccuracy of approximately ten (10) centimeters. The lowest few centimeters of the object - the only portion visible in this test - appeared to be twenty-seven (27) centimeters wide, emitted no infrared radiation, and was a uniform near-white color.
Analysis: SCP-XXXX's containment cell appears to contain a single off-white object near the center of the room, as would be expected of a containment cell holding a Safe entity and nothing else. SCP-XXXX does most likely exist. The fact that a small, Safe-class object was contained in this room rather than in the many lockers in Site-██ designed for the purpose indicates that its original containment team intended to suppress knowledge of this entity's existence, supporting the hypothesis that it it some sort of powerful infohazard. The fact that this information is recordable also indicates that if SCP-XXXX has any sort of antimemetic effect, it is not universal.

Test B - ██/██/20██

Purpose: To determine if there are any anomalous effects associated with direct viewing of SCP-XXXX
Procedure: Due to fears of possible dangers associated with viewing SCP-XXXX, a field containment unit was erected outside of the entity's door in accordance with Protocol 13-12████. Four Foundation personnel and one D-class subject entered the FCU; the Foundation personnel were instructed to terminate the subject immediately if any danger seemed to arise. The D-class subject was instructed to look into SCP-XXXX's containment cell through the crack under the door; the door was not opened in order to avoid possible exposure of Foundation personnel.
Results: The subject insisted that the room containing SCP-XXXX was completely empty. No other anomalous effects were observed. Subject was placed in isolation for a period of ninety days following the test, during which no anomalous effects occured.
Analysis: A subsequent performance of Test A yielded the same results as when it was performed the first time, indicating that SCP-XXXX was still present in the cell. SCP-XXXX therefore seems to be impossible to perceive directly.

Test C - ██/██/20██

Purpose: To determine if SCP-XXXX's antimemetic effect extends beyond direct observation.
Procedure: A small camera was inserted through the crack under the door of the containment cell, and five (5) minutes of video footage was recorded, during which the camera was slowly moved such that by the end of filming, all parts of the room were visible in the footage at least once. A D-class subject was instructed to watch the footage carefully and describe anything he saw.
Results: The subject described an empty room, with the walls, floor, and ceiling a uniform grey. When the footage was fed into the program used in Test A, the program reported the same off-white object, this time providing a height of approximately 85 centimeters in addition to the already known width. Rather than being in the center of the room, the object was instead near the back wall, on the left of the room.
Analysis: SCP-XXXX appears to be just as unnoticeable on video as under direct viewing, and seems to be capable of independent motion. In the event of a containment breach, this entity would be extraordinarily difficult to recapture, as both normal viewing and camera footage would not display any sign of its presence to a human observer.