
Item #: XXXX

Object Class: [?]

Special Containment Procedures:

Under no circumstances are Foundation staff permitted to attempt to view SCP-XXXX. Testing with D-Class personnel is permitted; however, any D-Class used to test SCP-XXXX are not exempt from standard restrictions on internet access during testing. This method is therefore unlikely to yield results representative of the normal population.

D-Class personnel exposed to SCP-XXXX are to be terminated at the end of the study period. All Foundation staff working with SCP-XXXX must undergo psychological evaluation every three weeks to monitor any shifts in their political or religious beliefs. Members of staff who believe they may have been exposed must report to their Site Director immediately, whereupon all security clearances will be revoked, amnestics administered and employment suspended indefinitely with full pay. Failure to report exposure to SCP-XXXX will be regarded as a deliberate security breach leading to termination.

The online activity of non-Foundation subjects exposed to SCP-XXXX is to be covertly monitored, with records handed over to the appropriate law enforcement agencies as required.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a website consisting of a single page of factual information, the topic of which varies and is hereafter referred to as SCP-XXXX-1. SCP-XXXX-1 is a political, social and/or religious ideology that appears to be aligned to a greater or lesser extent with the pre-existing views of the reader. Subjects initially discover SCP-XXXX by accident, through its occasional appearance on the front page of search engine results for unrelated search terms. The site's URL changes every 2-3 hours, apparently at random, and searching for previous iterations of its content yields no results.

The Foundation first became aware of SCP-XXXX's existence in 1997 through a large-scale analysis of public internet use, which revealed unexpected patterns in the online histories of users of particular chat rooms and bulletin boards. Since then, ███ people have been arrested in connection with events believed to have been precipitated by SCP-XXXX, with a further [REDACTED] currently under surveillance.

The initial effect of reading SCP-XXXX usually manifests over a period of anywhere from two weeks to six months following the subject's exposure to the site. this time the subject becomes increasingly inclined to seek out information regarding SCP-XXXX-1. Analysis of subjects' search histories suggests that initial interest in SCP-XXXX-1 usually manifests as occasional idle browsing, which progresses over time to more frequent and in-depth reading around the topic.

During this time the anomaly proceeds to increasingly filter items displayed to the subject by search engines and social media, preventing items that contradict the subject's views on SCP-XXXX-1 from appearing. Progression of this effect is gradual enough that it does not appear to be noticed by subjects, even after items relating to SCP-XXXX-1 begin to appear in unrelated searches. It is hypothesised that subjects rationalise this increased prevalence of SCP-XXXX-1 through the assumption that it has become a more prominent topic of discussion across society as a whole.

After this effect has been established, any hyperlinks present on websites viewed by the subject are gradually redirected to a group of 2-3 online forums or chat rooms concerning themselves primarily with SCP-XXXX-1. Only the subject is redirected in this manner, with normal readers able to follow the links to their original destination. As with previous effects, this development seems to arise so incrementally as not to arouse suspicion in the subject. Subjects inevitably take a great deal of interest in the linked sites, often browsing them for several hours per day.

Addendum 1: The following excerpts have been obtained from [REDACTED] chat logs during surveillance of user eupheme. Timestamps have been removed for ease of reading.