Mr Esquire - Void Bubbles
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GOI "Are We Cool Yet?" Exhibition advertisement depicting SCP-XXXX being used as fireworks. Recovered ██/██/████.

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be contained within the dark storage containment chambers, located in Site 77’s safe containment wing. Any and all sources of light must be handed over to security before entry to prevent contamination. Should light breach the facility, sensors will automatically seal all storage lockers until the source is gone and a storage technician manually deactivates the lock down after a thorough inspection. All samples of SCP-XXXX that have been exposed to light must be stored separately and monitored for changes to prevent damages caused by delayed reactions.

All personnel assigned to dark storage containment must be trained in the use of night vision equipment and extended operations in low light environments. Two armed security guards with level 1 security clearance must be present at all times with one storage attendant on rotation to monitor SCP-XXXX for changes and retrieve samples for testing.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a modified form of liquid soap used in children's toys. The solution is comprised of █████ brand bubble soap, though chemical analysis has shown a notably higher glycerine content as well as a previously unknown form of liquid crystal.

At rest, the fluid is an iridescent silver-grey that shimmers when exposed to light. When applied to a thin frame SCP-XXXX begins to rapidly darken and dry. After approximately 2.4 seconds the film becomes a pitch black, rubber like substance. In this state SCP-XXXX does not reflect any visible light and will not react to any attempts at inflation via wind or movement. SCP-XXXX will only begin inflating when exposed to a focused source of light. Growing outwards until the bubble exceeds the diameter of the frame and disconnects.

Once disconnected, these bubbles, deemed SCP-XXXX-1, act like regular bubbles but are completely solid and can be picked up without bursting. SCP-XXXX-1 act like 1-way mirrors that capture and completely contain any light with wavelengths between 300-1000 nm. With continued exposure, bubbles can grow up to 20 cm in diameter before bursting. SCP-XXXX-1 have a shelf life of up to 2 months depending on size and the type of light contained. Fully formed instances are extremely durable, withstanding high amounts of blunt-force trauma and extreme temperatures.

If the surface of SCP-XXXX-1 is breached, the bubble instantaneously evaporates and all captured light is released. Experimentation has shown that light released during a burst is nearly double the calculated intensity of the initial light input. Bursting a single, 7 cm bubble of SCP-XXXX-1 filled with white light has been compared to military grade flash grenades, temporarily blinding anyone with a direct line of sight and causing permanent visual damage with larger bubbles.

Recovery Log SCP-XXXX: SCP-XXXX was recovered from an art studio run by GOI “Are We Cool Yet” on ██/██/████. Posters advertising an “Enlightening Firework Show” and other exhibits had been posted throughout the town of ██████, ███████ in preparation for an upcoming exhibition. Undercover agent ███████ ███ of MTF Delta-5 (“Front Runners”) reported that the artist hosting the exhibit was known to be extremely destructive and recommended preemptive actions.

Three agents posing as investors from a pyrotechnics company were sent in to assess the threat. The artist, later identified as █████████ █████, offered a live demonstration and temporarily blinded two agents. The third agent moved to detain the artist but was forced to retreat when an instance of SCP-XXXX-1 filled with infrared light burst, setting fire to the studio. All agents suffered severe burns but managed to escape and have since recovered. Afterwards, cleanup crews were able to reclaim three, 1 litre containers of SCP-XXXX from the rubble. The artists location is still unknown.

Addendum SCP-XXXX Proposal Notice 1: Proposals to use SCP-XXXX-1 as a lightweight substitute for flash and incendiary artillery will not be approved until it can be fully reproduced. Researchers with ideas on how to achieve this are welcome to submit a proposal, but please note that we have a very limited supply available for testing.

Addendum SCP-XXXX Proposal Notice 2: All proposals to use SCP-XXXX as a means of containing light-based SCP objects/effects have been denied due to the risk of such anomalies becoming stronger because of SCP-XXXX-1s ability to double the intensity of any light captured.