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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: [SCP-XXX is to be kept inside its case in a standerd containment locker at site 101.
All biological tests must be aproved by site administrator or o5 command.(see test log)

Description: [SCP-XXX is a standard brass trombone made by (black bar).SCP-XXX anomalous properties occur when played.When SPC-XXX is being played the bell will emit beta waves.Anything this wave hits will shrink depending on the Position of the slide,see experiment log.All atempts to reverse the process have proven futile.After the shrinking process a fluid designated scp-xxx-1 flows from the spit valve.Chemical analysis indicate scp-xxx-1 contains atoms proportional to The atoms "lost" during the shrinking process.