
[[Rock-Hard Abs]]
Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Pffffftt.. Dunno yet. Standard containment locker probably.

Description: Book that promises to give you 'Rock-Hard Abs'. When read, your body becomes coated in an extremely hard chitinous substance. The reader dies, but people viewing dead body perceive it to be the same person, but with large muscles. Viewing through cameras does not produce this effect. People who have viewed dead body are then compelled to read SCP-XXXX for themselves. Was found when CCTV of a gym showed all members to be dead and covered in the substance, but people going in and out showed no signs of alarm. SCP-XXXX was found next to some training equipment surrounded by bodies.

Addendum: Dunno.

Interviewed: D-1234

Interviewer: D-5678

Foreword: Interview of deceased subject D-1234 after reading of SCP-XXXX.

<Begin Log>

D-5678: Aaww sweet man! Nice abs!
D-5678: Sick! Where is this book?
D-5678: You don't mind if I read it do you?
D-5678: Thanks man! I cant wait to have rock hard abs like that

<End Log>

Closing Statement: D-5678 continued to compliment D-1234 on his abs, before taking SCP-XXXX from his corpse and reading it for himself. D-5678 died shortly after. Request cleanup of test chamber using camera mounted drones to reduce risk of Foundation members reading SCP-XXXX

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