Zærös Sæpīentis
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Item #: SCP-2338

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-2338 is to be contained and observed in Unit-█ Area-12 and is to be guarded by no less than seven Security Officers at all times. Testing can only be done by authority of at least three O5 Council Members. When testing is concluded, all instances of 2338-B-1 must be immediately terminated.

SCP-2338 is composed of two components, SCP-2338-A (referred to as 'The Box'), and SCP-2338-B (to as 'Zærös Sæpīentis'). SCP-2338-A exhibits no anomalous properties, other than the ability to successfully keep SCP-2338-B from escaping.
SCP-2338-A is a perfect, 0.5 metre long cube with no visible hinges and mesmerizing semi-fractal-like designs etched into the sides. Upon examination, 2338-A has been determined to be made from a rare metal found naturally on Earth.1
SCP-2338-B appears to be a polymorphous, semi-sentient life-form from ██████ (located roughly ██ AU from the sun).