
Item #: SCP-3488

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3488 is to be contained at the nearest available Site. It is to be used at least once a month so that it does not disappear. If it does relocate itself then teams should be dispatched and begin searching for SCP-3488. When found, it is to be moved to the nearest available Site.

Description: SCP-3488 is a white, 204 centimeter by 92.6 centimeter door, on a stone circle 200 centimeters in diameter and 3 centimeters in width. The paint is old and faded and any attempt to repaint is unsuccessful, with the new layer of paint fading in matter of minutes.

When entered the subject will be translocated to SCP-3488-1, a seemingly infinite plane where anything imagined can and will become real. If an object is tampered with, broken, changed, etc. inside of SCP-3488-1, it will return to it original form while exiting SPC-3488, thus preventing any images of regordings of tests of SCP-3488-1. Any object created inside of and is taken out of the door it will immediately and entirely self combust. Any injury that occurs inside of SCP-3488-1 will be healed and any death inside of SCP-3488-1 will be reversed and the subject will return to life1. Subjects can imagine objects, even if they do not know how the object works and through this, the facility has been able to deconstruct and replicate objects outside of SCP-3488-1. If and object is imagined, then the person who imagined it is killed, then the object will immediately and entirely self combust.

If a living organism is thought of it will be created, but the corresponding corresponding will have extreme pains all over their body. If the corresponding organism is dead, then the imagined organism will also be dead. If the subject thinks of themself, they will die of cardiac arrest, but will be revived when removed from SCP-3488-1.

If SCP-3488 is not used at least once a month, it will teleport to a seemingly random point in the world. This act conveys that SCP-3488 needs energy and derives that energy from the imagination of intelligent life forms. No side effects have been reported from using SCP-3488-1.

Addendum: SCP-3488 was found when three dozen paintball players were said to go missing within a time of thirty minutes. The players were found inside of SCP-3488-1, deceased with multiple bullet wounds, except for one, who died of slit wrists. It is hypothesized that the players entered, and imagend their guns real and killed each other, then the last one killed himself. Once removed, all players were revived and given amnetics.

D-████ was instructed to enter SCP-3488-1 and imagine the door of SCP-3488, then enter it. The door proved to be a reliable exit. This door is now known as SCP-3488-A.

D-████ was instructed to imagine any a weapon to kill SCP-682, when doing so the subject immediately died of cardiac arrest and SCP-3488-682 was created. SCP-3488-682 was able to get through the door and lasted for roughly two minutes before self combusting. D-████ was not revived when removed from SCP-3488-1, and this is the only know occurrence that an organism has died inside of SCP-3488-1 and has not come back to life upon exiting. SCP-682 showed no side effects from this experiment.