SCP-??? (Digital Predator) [WIP]

Item #: SCP-???

Object Class: Safe Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: The computer SCP-??? is currently residing in should be kept in Electronic Storage Facility-██. Any forms of digital messages sent out from it's current computer are to be traced, and the devices that have received the messages are to be seized and taken into foundation custody. Any devices that SCP-??? currently resides in are to have no access to the internet any time.

One image of any organism of Kingdom of Animalia is to be uploaded to the hard drive of the computer at least once a day as a food source. Upon full image infection, it is to be deleted from the device. Any digital image format is acceptable.

It is very important to keep SCP-??? in an overall satisfied state, as it has been shown to be able to transfer itself to new devices if it finds it's current one uninhabitable. Feeding times are never to be missed, and deletion of infected images is necessary.

Description: SCP-??? is an anomalous entity that appears only on digital devices capable of displaying images, such as computers and phones. The exact form of SCP-??? varies, but in most instances, it is a mass of many different colored pixels, and depending on it's position, a mouth may or may not be visible. SCP-??? also varies heavily in size, usually depending on the device it is currently taking a residence in. The smallest recorded sighting being approximately 0.5 millimeters in diameter, and the largest being 5 meters in diameter.

SCP-??? is predatory, and feeds on digital images of organisms of the Kingdom Animalia. When an image of a potential prey item is uploaded to the device it is currently on, SCP-??? will appear on the image, typically 2 hours after the initial upload. From there it will slowly begin to expand, and engulf the image until the entire image is nothing but many pixels of various colors. This process typically takes 5 hours. Around 30 minutes after the complete infestation, SCP-??? will disappear, and the infected image will show a dead, mangled and partially eaten version of the organism originally in the photo. All organisms killed by SCP-??? all appear to have broken necks, gouged eyes and many large bite marks in various areas. SCP-??? will no longer manifest on a previously infected images, however any organisms on previously infected images will begin to show signs of decay, and should be removed to keep SCP-??? in a satisfied state.

If an organism that has had it's image infected by SCP-??? is to be photographed after the infection, any newly taken images will display that organism as dead, and in the state of decay corresponding to the original photo.

SCP-??? Recovery Log

SCP-??? was discovered in ██████, Florida on June 7th, ████ on a █████ computer in the home of Jonathan ██████. The owner reported to ██████, an internet help forum dedicated to the removal of computer viruses, that images of his cat had been infected with a virus that caused the cat to appear dead, and disemboweled. Embedded agents promptly launched an investigation, and seized the device. Amnestics were administered to Mr. ██████, and the forum that SCP-??? was reported on was taken down to prevent any possible movement between devices.

Addendum ???-A

Doctor █████ was observing a 2 day old infected image of an Eudorcas thomsonii, on SCP-???'s most recent housing device, a ██████ model ██ computer, when a single text file appeared on the desktop of the computer, titled 0I3UERYHDFNSKX.txt. Upon opening it, it contained the following message: "clean it. not happy. dead smell." The image was promptly deleted, and the text file was archived at Digital Archive Site ██.

It appears that SCP-??? is capable of at least some communication, and is aware that someone is providing for it. Cause of this is unknown at the moment, further testing required.

BehaviorTest - █-█-20██

Subject: SCP-???
Procedure: No feeding or cleaning for 3 days
Results: SCP-??? somehow enabled internet access on the computer it was residing in, and emailed itself to 86 different addresses.
Analysis: SCP-??? is capable of transferring itself to other devices if it is not happy with it's current housing. Upgrade to euclid status requested. This test is not to be repeated.