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Item #: SCP-xxxx

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: The object, packaged in its original box, is being held in a safe in the office of Dr. ██████████. While it remains there, the object is safe. Removing it is currently not allowed by anyone other than Dr. ██████████.

Decription: SCP-xxxx is an object that first appeared around the time Led Zeppelin's sixth studio album, Presence, was released in 1976. It is an all black obelisk standing 12 inches tall. The obelisk sits on a base with the following information found engraved on the four sides:

1) LED ZEPPELIN (1/4" tall lettering)

2) "THE OBJECT" c 1976 SWAN SONG INC (VERY small lettering)

3) PRESENCE (1/4" tall lettering)

4) 0/0

1000 replications were produced of this object by request of Led Zeppelin to promote their album, each one numbered xxxx/1000 (starting with number 1 through 1000). Subsequent copies have been made, as well, some official, others not. It was determined that these replicas do not have any effects on people around them, and so have been deemed safe to be left alone.

Whether it inspired the album, or was created as a result of the recording of the album, is unknown. Neither James Page, Robert Plant, John Baldwin, Storm Thorgerson, nor Aubrey Powell could confirm where the object came from, only that they thought it would look good on the artwork for the album.

The object was found in the home of a man believed to have stolen numerous reels and tapes from the private home of James Page sometime in the 80s. The man's wife called the police complaining that her husband had been sitting in their living room for hours, repeating the lyrics of every single song on the Presence album over and over again while staring at the object. When she attempted to remove the object, the man became extremely distressed and violent, trying to kill her until she gave it back to him, at which point he brought it back to the living room, sat down on the floor, and picked up reciting where he left off in the lyrics.

One of the police officers responding to the call was an undercover SCP agent, who brought the object to the Foundation.

Dr. ██████████, herself a fan of the band, was given permission to house the object in her office, under the condition that it be kept in its packaging in her safe, and only removed for testing purposes.

The object only seems to affect certain people. It did not affect any member of Led Zeppelin, nor their manager, nor the artists who worked on the artwork for the Presence album. It also does not appear to affect Dr. ██████████. It is still unknown why it only affects certain people and how it affects them.