Nehemat - The Collectionist
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Item #: SCP-X

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-X is to be kept in a humanoid containtment cell at Site-17. One guard is to be posted outside the cell at all times. SCP-X-A and SCP-X-B are to be stored in different lockers at the Safe-item storage area. SCP-X-C is kept at a high-security locker and access to it is restricted to Level-3 clearance or higher personnel. SCP-X may have access to SCP-X-A, SCP-X-B and/or SCP-X-C only during approved testing authorized by a Level-3 researcher. Subjects recoverd from SCP-X-B may be administered amnestics or terminated; this is to be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Description: SCP-X is a human male of mid-eastern decend, with an apparent age of 45 years (aprox). The subject has no remarkable physical or psycological traits, however, SCP-X is currently the only being capable of using SCP-X-A, SCP-X-B and SCP-X-C.

SCP-X-A and SCP-X-B are two notebooks with the words "IN" and "OUT" written in their respective covers. SCP-X-C is a photographic album containing a large collecton of portraits. All of these items hold a larger set of pages than it could be possible for their dimensions. SCP-X-B has a large compilation of names composed of a given name and a surname. SCP-X-A contains the same names held by SCP-X-B in addition to a larger amount not found in the latter; each one of these matching one of the portraits stored in SCP-X-C.

When SCP-X writes the name of a human subject on SCP-X-A, they will disappear and a picture of this subject will be found inside SCP-X-C.

If SCP-X writes one name only found in SCP-X-A on SCP-X-B, the corresponding photograph will vanish from SCP-X-C and the human previously portrayed on it will appear inside a 2m radious of SCP-X-C.

SCP-X-A only affects living tissue; clothes, accesories and any items held by the subject at the moment of activation will remain in place.

The subjects involved with the anomaly and its effects commonly suffer from disorientation, anxiety and [REDACTED], but no long-term consecuences have been detected no matter how long have they been exposed to it.

It is currently unknown if the anomaly "stores" subjects in SCP-X-C, or if the portraits are just representative of their captivity in a different location.

History: SCP-X and its related items were discovered during the raid of a facility managed by the cult of The One Who Is Not, But May Be. The cultists offered little resistance, but were reluctant to deliver information on their activities or the methods of acquiring SCP-X, its capabilities or its origin. Several non-anomalous prisioners were administered class A amnestics and realased. Members of the cult were assigned as D-class personnel.

Addendum 2: Incident X-1

Addendum 3: Incident X-2