Gluttony Bar


Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:Object is to be kept in a 17cm x 17cm steel box with a 4-digit code lock attached, a minimum of (2) personnel of level 2 Security clearance or higher should be within 5m of the object at all times. The chamber that SCP-2935 is contained in must stay below 52° Fahrenheit. If the temperature exceeds this; the nearest on-site member must inspect SCP-2935 for signs of melting; if positive all personnel must relocate until Power Freezing sequence is completed.

Description: SCP-2935 is a ███████ brand chocolate bar; the object appears to be slightly discoloured. subjects that come into direct visual contact with SCP-2935 report the object emitting a low humming vocalisation estimated to be around 80hz. Interaction with the soundwave triggers some form unknown reflex in human test subjects; after initial contact with SCP-2935 the subject(s)
desperately search for the nearest edible substance and begin to consume it. after the chosen substance has been consumed the subject will be rendered unconscious for unknown reasons, after regaining consciousness the subject will appear to be suffering symptoms similar to that of severe malnutrition and will usually request sustenance. Subjects will function normally until contact is re-established with SCP-2935 thereafter they will display extreme physical exhaustion and stress, the object will then begin to melt regardless of temperature and subjects will attempt to breach security to obtain access to SCP-2935. If contact is made every human within a 500 m radius will uncontrollably begin to consume the object nearest to them for several minutes. A total of [DATA EXPUNGED] personnel was killed because of this occurrence, because of this O5 command has decided that no further testing should be carried out.

SCP-2935 in an unaltered state

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