My second SCP attempt
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-XXXX are to be contained in room 45 of sector 8 in site-073.All instances of SCP-XXXX are to be contained in storage room 07 of sector 8 in site-073(see incident log XXXX-01) and is to be locked at all times unless research is taking place. No instances ofSCP-XXXX are to be connected to a power source unless for research purposes. The room itself must be guarded by two(2) level 2 security officers at all times. In the event research is taking place, the bulb must be kept in a building with no windows, the building should be guarded by C class personnel. All personnel with direct exposure to the bulbs effects should be wearing night vision goggles. Any personnel caught attempting to scare or prank others using any instance of SCP-XXXX will be assigned to lavatory cleaning(see incident log XXXX-01). Should the name █████ Jones appear on any form of public transportation for the city of ███████(such as flight tickets, or transit), response officers are to be dispatched to capture him under the disguise as city SWAT.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a [DATA EXPUNGED] brand black light bulb. Unlike other black light bulbs which produce a purple like light, this bulb will darken area in five(5) to fifteen(15) meter radius(depending on the type of bulb used). The darkening ability manifested by the bulb is like illumination of a bulb, but instead of illumination, it emits darkness, the darkening will be that of what the visibility is at night time in the place it is powered, but can be changed with local factors, such as curtains or blinds. SCP-XXXX does have the ability to travel at the speed of light,. How the emanation of darkness is achieved is not known at this moment.Multiple types of bulbs have been recovered, such as tubular lights, recess lighting type lights, and many ranges of bulb types. All vary in range of its ability to darken an area. but only up to a certain point(depending on bulb type and local factors).
SCP-XXXX came into foundation custody after twenty(20) people bought [DATA EXPUNGED] brand black lights from home improvement store [REDACTED]. Reports came in that the lights darkened their homes, all twenty(20) people were given class A amnestics. The plans for the bulb's ability to darken an area have been proven to be an intentional act for an unknown purpose. █████ Jones, has been confirmed to be the bulbs inventor, when multiple packages of bulbs was recovered from a warehouse with his name on it, along with the text,"Test Bulbs",it is believed he forgot about the bulbs when he made the decision to self them at the home improvement store. When Jones was discovered to be the inventor, about three(3) hours after the initial incident, the foundation did a covert lock down of the city Jones lived in, covert drone has shown Jones is limited to the city, but has gone in hiding, and the foundation cannot capture him legally without sufficient evidence.

Incident log XXXX-01: The lights in room ██ needed repair, so a foundation repair man with level 1 access named ████ came to change the lights. He was told the lights were already provided in room 45, and he just needed to change them. But what he didn't know was that the black light bulbs were also stored in there. He mistook the black light bulbs for the bulbs he was supposed to use, which were in a nearby storage closet. He attempted to test the lights, which caused the bulbs to manifest their anomalous abilities, ████ reported this to agent ███████. The lights were quickly powered off and changed shortly after.

Excerpt from Site Address for Incident XXXX-01 Quote from: Incident Report XXXX-01 by: Dr. █████

"The incident wasn't exactly a big deal, but for our safety, I'd like to move the black lights to storage room 07 in sector 8."