North Bent

Item #: SCP-2348

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-2348 is to always be contained 24 hours a day in a sealed 20 by 20 square room made entirely of cast iron in Site [REDACTED] and be free to roam it- all walls must be a solid 4 feet thick. The room is to be 20 feet high and with a 5 by 5 foot skylight in the middle of the roof. It is to be made of 4 10-centimeter thick reinforced and bulletproof glass panels, each 1 inch apart. No other windows should be present. The bottom of the enclosure should be filled and evenly spread with 3 foot high fine sand with no need to be replaced or cleaned, with the skylight cleaned and checked once every 14 days.

3 cameras are always present and active in the enclosure, one at the top right corner of the room and one at the bottom left. The last camera is placed in the skylight. Surveillance on SCP-2318 is to be active 24 hours a day. Class D Personnel are to care for the enclosure. It does not have to be fed nor personally tended.

SCP-2418 is a bipedal, vaguely humanoid entity at a height of 12 feet 2 inches, weighing 56 pounds. 7 feet 6 inches of its height is due to the two polished, jet black prosthetics of unknown materiel it wears up to its kneecaps and is observed to replace the shins below them. Despite the physical improbability of successful movement upon these prosthetics, it is able to walk across ground without stagger. The quickest it has been recorded moving is 2.1 miles per hour.

The prosthetics are hollow and curved backwards in 170 degree angle arches- cylindrical in shape. They grow thicker as they move closer to the ground and end in a boot-like structure with a pointed tip and no facets. There is a flat, grey, rectangular heel at the bottom end of the structure as an average human shoe would resemble.

The prosthetics are oily to the touch, and any attachments that attempt to come in contact with them will immediately fall off. Seemingly no damage is done to the tested attachments. Attempts to wipe off the oils have been successful, and is observed to fully replenish after no less than 15 hours. The reason why is not yet uncovered, but the oils are speculated to be produced in the body.

Attempts to remove the prosthetics have been unsuccessful.

The upper half of SCP-2348 closely resembles that of the upper half of the average human. It possesses sickly green skin with sparse black hair and warts all over the body- all bodily substances are composed of unknown materiels. The skin is wrinkled and aged and dry and soft to the touch. Two arms, two thighs, a back, chest, neck, abdomen, and head are all present. No bones, organs, orifices, or muscles are observed in SCP-2348 so far.

A hunched back is always present on the entity, and it places all of its weight upon its prosthetics instead of manually supporting its body. Its arms, which are measured to be 1 foot 3 inches longer than the average human's, are immobile and hang down from its body. Its scalp is bald and smoother than the rest of its skin.

The face is elongated vertically and with a slight hourglass shape. No facial features are present and are replaced with 4 holes travelling down the face. They reach the back and sides of the head, the insides oily and firm. They are asymmetrical but circular. As the holes travel downwards they grow smaller to accommodate the thinning face- they are not observed to have any functional purpose.

The head ends in a sideways beak-like structure. It is fleshy and without orifice, and resembles insect pincers. It is not observed to have any functional purpose.

SCP-2348 was found wearing removable clothing, filthy and outdated. A white shirt of currently unknown materiel snugly adorns its body in the same way it would fit on the average human. The ends of the shirt are loose and baggy and cover the tops of its prosthetics. Under the clothing lies the same quality skin as the rest of its body with accurate anatomy, but without the presence of genitalia or nipples.

SCP-2348 does not show discomfort in having the clothing removed or tampered, and may show only mild confusion when touched or interacted with. However, it is observed to be sensitive to artificial light and will attempt to shy away if in its vicinity. Threatening but non-aggressive behavior by others does not produce any reaction.*

It is a passive creature incapable of noise and constantly paces about its enclosure without pattern. However, in sporadic and unpredictable moments, it may stand still and face the northern direction with its head tilted upwards. The amount of time it stays like this is extremely varied, the longest recorded being 15 hours, 43 minutes and 2 seconds, and the shortest being 18 seconds.

With research it is found to most likely be tilting its head up at Polaris, also designated as the North Star. The reason why is not yet uncovered.

SCP-2348 was first discovered in the [REDACTED] area of the [REDACTED] by [REDACTED], on [REDACTED]. The witness claimed that the white shirt it was adorning had, as stated: "….grown into some kind of wing-cape. It didn't do anything, it just went along with the wind. Then it just started rotting and turning this….awful bruised color, and fell off the shirt." This behavior was not seen again when personnel arrived.

It was exhibiting the still behavior- standing and facing north. It was reported and captured easily by personnel but was handled carefully due to its fragility and sensitivity to artificial light. The entity did not struggle and only resisted when near the electronic lamps of its first enclosure.

*Test 001- Overseen by Dr. Carmen
One Class D personnel entered SCP-2348's enclosure during pacing behavior and cut a wound on its right forearm with a steel blade . No blood, entrails, or visibly different substance(s) were observed within the cut. It continued behavior with no reaction. Samples of the different layers of the wound were obtained and placed in a test tube for further research.

Testing concluded that all the samples were no different from the unknown material that composes SCP-2348's skin.

The wound has not yet started healing 10 days after experimentation.

Test 002- Overseen by Dr. Carmen
One Class D personnel entered SCP-2348's enclosure while it was exhibiting still behavior and attempted to arouse it by physical contact and speech. The entity gave no reaction, and when shifted off-balance righted itself and continued behavior. The Class D personnel was ordered to stop by Dr. Carmen at a 2 minute mark. After 4 minutes and 30 seconds SCP-2348 returned to its pacing without change in its demeanor.

Test 003- Overseen by Dr. Carmen
A sample of the oils covering SCP-2348's prosthetics and head cavities were taken personally by Dr. Carmen. Testing concluded that they were mostly composed of hydrogen and helium elements, the same gases that form stars. The reason for the oily composition and texture is currently unknown.

Test 004 - Overseen by Dr.[REDACTED]
A fusion reactor was used for this experiment and was placed in Site [REDACTED].


A crater 236 feet and 16 inches deep was left in the site. Due to the extremely similar experimental procedure and result compared to [REDACTED], it is speculated that the oils produced on the prosthetics and head cavities of SCP-2348, when [REDACTED], can be formed into stars under suitable conditions.

Below is an interview between Dr. Carmen and the first reporter of SCP-2348.

<Begin Log>


Dr. Carmen: "Hello, this is Dr. Carmen speaking. I'm here to ask you about SCP-2348."

[REDACTED]: "….yes."

Dr. Carmen: "You spoke about a….winged cape, forming out of the clothing on SCP-2348. You said that they simply fluttered in the wind and did nothing else?"

[REDACTED]: "Correct, doctor. Anything else? To ask?"

Dr. Carmen: "How did they disappear?"

[REDACTED]: "Oh. Uh, well, I was just staring at them, the two wing things, I mean, and then it started decomposing. I don't really know what it was, I don't know if it was rotting, I mean, there wasn't any smell. It went by fast. The tips of the wing cape turned purple and black and started withering and it just kept going until it all fell off into the sand. I couldn't quite see the remains, I'm…sorry about that."

Dr. Carmen: "I understand. Did you see the cape emerge?"

[REDACTED]: "I didn't."

Dr. Carmen: "Describe the cape's appearance."

[REDACTED]: "Well, I was watching from the side, so this might not be too accurate. So the back of the shirt had two wings coming out of each side, you know, where wings would theoretically be. It wasn't separate or anything, it just looked like part of the shirt. They were real large. They were just this…pure white. No joints or feathers or webs- it looked like thin pieces of fabric. Delicate-looking. There were holes in it, but intentional holes- like they were supposed to be there, and intentional tears and you know what I mean. Not flat or square, really random, like swiss cheese. They looked light and just bent with the wind…….I think that's it."

Dr. Carmen: "I see. Was there anything else unusual about SCP-2348 itself?"

[REDACTED:] "No…based on the description, no, nothing really strikes me as different now."

Dr. Carmen: "I see. Thank you for your time, I must take my leave."


<End Log>

After the interview was over, Dr. Carmen returned to her work and did not research further into the anomaly. She then said the following: "A rather useless specimen. Tell them to build the enclosure as fast as they can and start researching." She then participated in [REDACTED] experiments with SCP-2348 over the course of [REDACTED].