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Item #: SCP-2214

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures:
The only known instance of SCP-2214 is located at Site-19 in a Level 3 storage unit locker with at least one D-Class non-german speaking guard present at all times. Anyone who tries to copy the objects contents or is exposed to it must be given a Class-C amnestics and contained for further evaluation. The containment unit must not have any german speaking personel present at any given time.

Any copying, translating or transmitting the text in any form is strictly prohibited. Any attempts at breaking this agreement will be severely punished.

List of personell that broke the rules

Name Action Current status Explanation
D-██████ Illegal access to SCP-2214 Working in facility ██████ Given Class-A amnestics and retrained.
D-████ Attempt to steal SCP-2214 Deceased Died in gunfire during attempted escape from Site-19 with SCP-2214.
Dr. Mark ██████ Attempt to translate SCP-2214 Incapable of further work Saved just before reaching the suicide state of exposure, left with severe brain damage.
Dr. Hans ████ Self caused exposure to SCP-2214 Deceased Rendered braindead after being restrained by Site-19 staff.
████████ survived ████ ████ ████████ to SCP-2214 ███████ █████ got identified as SCP-████ after closer examination.

SCP-2214 is text written on an ordinary A4 format paper with the date 15/█/19██ in the top right corner. The paper and substance used to write the text are most likely completely harmless but the text itself is an infohazard to anyone who can understand it's contents. SCP-2214 was first found by ████ McCullough in ████, Germany. ████ McCullough is currently presumed dead ( probably due to exposure ). Symptoms of exposure range from severe depression and insomnia to spontaneous violent acts. If the affected person is not given Class-C amnestics to ██ hours from first exposure, he will die from sleep deprivation and brain failure ( and any other external damage caused by patients mental state ).

There are currently 5██ cases of exposure to SCP-2214, earliest reports of exposure are dating back to 21/8/1957 and first reported death due to mental effects was reported on 25/8/1957. Altough SCP-2214 poses a huge infohazard to anyone reading it, it has been classified as safe by Dr. █████ upon closer examination and containment.

The person who wrote the original SCP-2214 could have been under the influence of SCP-███

Some of the exposed subjects were interviewed ( with or without success )