
Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a non-corrosive stainless steel Class-Bravo1 containment cell with thermal and spectral imaging cameras monitoring the cell at all times. In the event of a containment breach or a spill during testing, MTF Beta-7 assets must be scrambled to deal with the situation, in the event of a level 3 breach, the subject must be quarantined in the Heavy containment wing of Area-12. Class-D personnel involved in testing for the subject must be contained post-testing for quarantine & medical tests.


SCP-XXXX pre-containment

Description: SCP-XXXX is a sphere made of unknown metal containing 1L of a dark blue liquid that shows acidic properties. The subject also, when exposed to human or animal matter, has effects on the nerve system leading to failing brain functions, the most common of these effects is amnesia. The subject was found outside of a Foundation cover on █/██/████, the subject was immediately examined and turned over for foundation inspection and containment. During an analysis of the metal that metal up the exterior of the sphere, it was synthesized to no known element currently within the foundations knowledge. Traces of SCP-052 have been detected on the outer casing leading for foundation personnel to believe that the subject was an object of luggage left on SCP-052 by accident, and as such is from some time in the future. After several testing phases, the liquid inside the subject was classified as -1 Ph, more corrosive than hydrochloric acid. several small leaks and/or spills occurred during the early stages of containment, these led to several small breaches of animate SCPs located in the Light-Containment wing of Area-██.