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Photograph of the object in an idle, no-sound state.


Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Item SCP-XXXX is to be contained in a small glass container. All instances of glass should be reinforced and soundproof, and glass walls should be at least 2.5 cm thick. Container should be placed at the center of a large, empty room. All video cameras located in this room should be silenced. Any other objects capable of producing sound are prohibited in SCP-XXXX's containment area unless authorized by a Level 4 personnel. In addition, a vast, reinforced secondary room should be created adjacent to the original in case of a transformation incident. The secondary room should contain a speaker which, when enabled, periodically projects a loud noise into the air. This room is denoted as the Quarantine Room.

While inside of SCP-XXXX's chamber, at least two personnel must be monitoring each other. All personnel must be acutely aware of each other and the object's location at all times.

If a transformation occurs, the object or being should be held inside of the Quarantine Room. If SCP-XXXX transforms into another anomaly of Euclid or higher rating, SCP-XXXX should be contained alongside the anomaly it has targeted. From there, further instructions can be authorized by the Site Director. If two identical objects are discovered, both objects are to be treated as SCP-XXXX, and both must be placed in the Quarantine Room until SCP-XXXX is revealed.

Any object obscuring the path of SCP-XXXX during transformation will instantaneously disappear if and when it comes into contact with the transforming body of SCP-XXXX. No physical attempt to stop the transformation process should be made. The only known way to stop the transformation process is to terminate SCP-XXXX's target. At this time, there is no known way to contain SCP-XXXX while it is transforming; it must be contained either before or after the transformation process. There is no known way to pause the transformation process.

Description: In base form, SCP-XXXX is a large diaphragm condenser microphone, standing at approximately 20 cm in height, and is made entirely of frosted glass. When isolated, the object is completely idle and for all intents and purposes, inanimate. SCP-XXXX's effects occur when a sound enters the microphone at a volume of 35dB or greater.

SCP-XXXX is capable of mimicking the shape, size, and outwards appearance of all items from which it receives auditory stimuli, both animate and inanimate. Once the transformation has begun it will become a perfect white in color, reach completion in three to five seconds, regardless of the relative size of it's target, and cannot be stopped by any known means. These transformations have a set time constraint that prevent them from being executed again. Times will vary based on the complexity of the form it takes, but SCP-XXXX can transform while transformed into another object, as long as the set time constraint has been reached.

Once the transformation has completed, SCP-XXXX becomes completely indistinguishable from the original target. After transformation, SCP-XXXX has the potential to gain sentience, but only if the original target possessed sentience. SCP-XXXX gains all thought processes, memories, behaviors, and mannerisms of the target. When questioned, SCP-XXXX does not recognize itself as SCP-XXXX. The target does not have to be within range of sight; however, if the source of the auditory stimuli is terminated, the object will return to its base form.

If multiple sounds are received by SCP-XXXX at the same time, the object will become the source which emits the loudest auditory stimuli. If presented with two identical stimuli, the object will become the source which is the closest; if all sources are identical and equidistant from SCP-XXXX, the object will consistently transform into the same source unless moved again.

SCP-XXXX was originally discovered during a police investigation in ████████, Ohio. Caleb ███████ claimed over the phone to have been followed home and stalked by someone. A policeman was then sent to monitor Caleb. While Caleb and the policeman were supposedly out, however, Caleb called the police station and reported that he had seen himself and another policeman outside of his own home. The man reported to be standing outside of his own home at the time of the incident.

Another officer was dispatched to the supposed location of the second Caleb while the original was monitored. Upon attempt to communicate with Caleb, however, the effects of SCP-XXXX occurred, resulting in the police officer coming face to face with a duplicate copy of himself. SCP-XXXX was then taken into custody after a fight between the two officers. A few hours after SCP-XXXX was taken into custody, it disappeared. Video evidence later revealed that SCP-XXXX escaped in the form of a rat.

Upon hearing of this incident, Foundation personnel were dispatched to the location. SCP-XXXX was discovered 62 hours later in the form of a rake. The rake was taken by Foundation personnel and isolated until containment procedures were developed. All individuals in the incident who were not directly related to the Foundation were administered Class-A amnestics.

Addendum: Test Logs