
Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be contained within a large sized euclid containment cell. Its cell is to be secured with an industrial grade lock and a guard is to be posted outside its cell at all times. Instances of SCP-XXXX-1 not being used for research are to be terminated via incineration. The cell should include common American 1950's era apartment furnishings.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a caucasian male between forty-five and fifty years of age, approximately 1.73 metres tall, weighing 75 kilograms and of average build. SCP-XXXX is capable of speaking fluent English. SCP-XXXX is black, white and grey in appearance, with no other colors visible below or above the surface of the skin. Any obscenities spoken by or around SCP-XXXX are replaced by a loud beeping sound and a pixelation covering view of subjects mouth. Many attempts at finding the source of this anomaly have been met with failure.

SCP-XXXX is noted for its reactions towards harm, often reacting over-dramatically or unrealistically, setting it apart from human subjects. When removed of any and all clothing, pelvic regions are shown with a pixelation effect. Events occurring around SCP-XXXX are affected by voices and laughter of unknown origin. SCP-XXXX does not show any signs of physical aging. It is currently unknown whether SCP-XXXX consumes food or if SCP-XXXX expels waste, as it has not been seen to do so apart from consumption of alcoholic beverages. SCP-XXXX rarely sleeps for longer than 5-10 minutes. SCP-XXXX has shown distress and paranoia towards post-1950's technology and will even become hostile upon forced interaction.

Objects or subjects exposed to a room containing SCP-XXXX begin to exhibit similar phenomena as SCP-XXXX. This effect begins slow manifestation after one hour of prolonged exposure. When not removed from the presence of SCP-XXXX within a total of twenty-four hours, effects become permanent on human subjects and objects.

When human subjects or objects are removed from the presence of SCP-XXXX, the effect can take from thirty seconds to over two minutes for any anomalies to stop manifesting, depending on time exposed and an unknown secondary property. Anything affected permanently is now to be referred as SCP-XXXX-1. All cases of SCP-XXXX-1 have not exhibited this anomaly.

Addendum 2022-A: Circumstances of Retrieval: SCP-XXXX was recovered from an abandoned warehouse in [REDACTED], California on ████, 2002. An unnamed civilian reported hearing screams coming from within the warehouse. Upon arrival, authorities observed that the warehouse contained the basic set to a sitcom with a sign hanging above the set with the words “Man on the Job (1953).”1 No objects present within the warehouse possessed anomalous properties apart from being void of color. The bodies of two young men were recovered, one had died a day earlier of alcohol poisoning, the other from a gunshot wound to the head, upon autopsy, it was revealed that the subjects insides were made of what appeared to be stage props. Upon further exploration of the warehouse, a basement door was found near the back. When entered, authorities could see SCP-XXXX, weeping heavily in the corner of the room. SCP-XXXX was then taken into custody, where the foundation was contacted. All witnesses were administered Class-C Amnestics.

Addendum 2022-B: Post Retrieval Interview:

Dr. ████: Hello SCP-XXXX.

SCP-XXXX: Hello Doctor.

Dr. ████: Would you mind telling me what happened to those two boys we found?

*voices uttering sounds of surprise from unknown origin*

SCP-XXXX: I never meant for any of this to happen! They broke into my home and I’m almost certain they were intoxicated. One of them was carrying a firearm!

Dr. ████: I’m gonna need you to calm down and speak slowly, your home?

SCP-XXXX: Yes, thats where I’ve been living for nearly fifty years, I was undisturbed! I… hid and watched as they both collapsed to the floor. Christ… I could’ve stopped it right then and there, what’s wrong with me!

Dr. ████: That’s no longer a problem, what happened next?

SCP-XXXX: I stayed where I was until morning. One of them got up and started shaking his friend. When his friend wouldn’t get up, he looked in the mirror and started to scream. Then he… he…

Dr. ████: He what?

SCP-XXXX: He put the firearm into his mouth and pulled the trigger! (SCP-XXXX then began to weep quietly)

Dr. ████: Is that when the authorities found you?

SCP-XXXX: Yes… I believe so.

Dr. ████: Thank you for your time SCP-XXXX.

*end interview*