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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe.


SCP-XXXX-1 shown without SCP-XXXX-2

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX-1 is to be kept rolled up in a cylindrical case, which is to be locked in a secure storage locker at Site 19. SCP-XXXX-2 is to be kept in a separate locker, oriented so SCP-XXXX-2 is upright facing due south. Objects are not to be exposed to each other or assembled without approval of senior research personnel.

SCP-XXXX appears destructible, and so must be handled with caution.

Testing of SCP-XXXX during Anomaly Type 3 conditions is not permitted to last longer than 1 hour. Testing during these conditions must occur in a fully sealed, secured test room and requires the presence of a fully armed tactical team. No tests that cannot be ceased immediately at any point will be permitted during Anomaly Type 3 conditions.

Testing of SCP-XXXX during Anomaly Type 4 conditions requires standard (civilian-grade) air respirators, which must be cleared for effectiveness against carbon monoxide prior to testing.

Description: SCP-XXXX consists of two pieces, designated SCP-XXXX-1 and SCP-XXXX-2. It is associated with two dimensional anomalies, one self-transformative anomaly, and one chemical emission anomaly.

  • SCP-XXXX-1 is an oil painting on canvas measuring 48 by 44 cm, previously known as “The Painter on the Road to Tarascon”, painted by Vincent Van Gogh in 1888. Prior to the painting’s disappearance in April 1945 during the bombings of Magdeburg, Germany, there are no reports of anomalies associated with the work. There is no information regarding SCP-XXXX-1's location between 1945 and its recovery in 201█. The remainder of Van Gogh’s work has been examined and found non-anomalous.
  • SCP-XXXX-2 is a pine frame measuring 54 by 50 cm, its corners fitted with brass hardware used to secure a painting. It has been dated to a period between 1925 and 1945. The wood is unstained and unpainted. The upper right corner (when viewed from behind) is carved with three symbols. The first is two equilateral triangles layered on top of each other, one pointing up, one pointing down, design reminiscent of a "Star of David." The second is an equilateral triangle pointing upwards. The third is an inverted equilateral triangle. Testing indicates an organic dye might have been used to color these symbols, but is inconclusive as to type/color.

When SCP-XXXX-1 is hung within SCP-XXXX-2, one of four anomalous properties can manifest, the type being dependent on SCP-XXXX’s orientation in a room. Some orientations do not manifest anomalous properties.

D-class personnel handling SCP-XXXX report a preference for hanging it on the east wall (Anomaly Type 4). However, when instructed by research personnel to hang it in other orientations, or when informed of the effects of Anomaly Type 4, D-class can easily resist this preference.

I want to be very clear that this preference is NOT to be referred to, officially or unofficially, as a “compulsion.” Hypotheses suggest that the purpose of the Anomaly Type 4 preference is defensive, designed to incapacitate any persons who acquire SCP-XXXX without knowledge, or with only limited knowledge, of its use. Please see attached document “The Buchenwald Hypothesis”, submitted by Assistant Researcher C. Trellis, for more detail.

—F. Baker, Head Researcher SCP-XXXX, 4/13/201█

When separated, objects are inert. When SCP-XXXX-1 is hung within non-anomalous frames or when non-anomalous paintings are hung within SCP-XXXX-2, objects remain inert.

When SCP-XXXX is hung from the ceiling (facing down) or from the northernmost wall in a room (facing south), no anomalous properties manifest. If SCP-XXXX is propped against a wall or hung facing into a wall, no anomalous properties manifest. SCP-XXXX must be hung against a wall and released from human support, so that all weight of SCP-XXXX is borne by the wall, in order for anomalies to manifest.

When hung in a triangular, pentagonal or hexagonal room, SCP-XXXX’s properties will manifest in accordance with whichever direction it is most closely aligned with. When hung on extraneous or exterior walls, no further anomalous properties manifest.