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Possible sighting of SCP-XXXX by Drone 25.

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Given SCP-XXXX's public profile any Foundation investigation is to be done under the guise of research by the University of the Highlands and Islands Marine Science department. An office is to be staffed at Inverness University to maintain cover. At least two (2) member's of Site-30's staff are to remain onsite to investigate any sightings. Civilian's who claim to have seen SCP-XXXX are to be interrogated and then administered Class-D amnesiacs. If SCP-XXXX becomes aggressive in any form then Site-30's aquatic containment team, "The Fishermen", are to be dispatched.

Research into SCP-XXXX is to be monitored by medical staff, anyone complaining of excessive headaches or symptoms of migraines are to be given R&R for a few days or transferred to another project. Any Field Agents who directly view SCP-XXXX are to be given a weeks leave and transferred to another project for at least two (2) months before being assigned back to SCP-XXXX.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a creature of indeterminate size, nature, capability and origin. Reports have sized the creature between fifteen (15) and two-hundred (200)meters long. It is often described as looking like a mythological Sea Serpant or a Plesiosaur, specifically a Elasmosaurus, but whales, sharks and squids have all been reported. It has been determined that those who see evidence of the creature find themselves unable to believe it to be true and pick out details that could indicate it being falsified in some way. Even eye witness accounts are unreliable as observers start to forget details quickly and develop headaches if pushed to remember.

The Foundation first become aware of the creature when Subjects submersible was found one (1) day later containing various empty pill bottles, alcohol and traces of several narcotics, including LSD. Subject had died of drowning. Class-C amnesiacs where administered to the Coroner and the body is now kept in cold storage at Site-30, pending further investigation if required.

Addendum: Further investigation pending approval. Research into creature and possible defenses from it required first.