pixeltalker's current draft (short)
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: No special containment procedures are required. Usage of SCP-XXXX in forensic procedures must be pre-approved by Level-2 personnel. All usage must be logged, and include date, purpose, subject and the reported result.

Description: SCP-XXXX is an analytical device of unknown manufacture visually similar to an infrared thermometer. The primary visible parts of the device are a small screen (capable of displaying up to 3 digits) and an unlabelled button.

When the device is pointed at an object and the button is pressed, the device emits a beeping sound and displays a number. Based on the current test data, this number represents a percentage of human tissue (or its derivatives) present in the object.

The method of identification used by SCP-XXXX is unknown. Its internal structure is unknown. A non-destructive way to disassemble SCP-XXXX was not found. In scans, the structure is obscured by a strong interference from a single internal location, assumed to be the power source.

While the exact percentage displayed by SCP-XXXX is hard to confirm, its ability to identify the presence of human tissue matches other methods and known history of tested objects. In fact, capabilities of SCP-XXXX far exceed alternative testing methods. As an example, SCP-XXXX is able to correctly distinguish human and animal ashes even when DNA is completely eliminated by the cremation process.

SCP-XXXX was discovered in a warehouse in Oslo, Norway during an unrelated investigation. The device was found on top of a storage crate, YYYYY an unmarked blue folder. The folder contained a single page in an unknown language, with two note clipped to it. YYYYY Foundation linguists were able to identify the language of notes as similar to Finnish.

Remember, even 1% must be reported.
Trust the scanner!


Saw that 50-fish you found, I wish I didn't.
If you need a few days stress leave, let me know.

Testing Overview:
Percentages skipped for brevity.

  • Tissue, human — correctly identified as human
  • Tissue, animal — correctly identified as non-human
  • Ashes, human — correctly identified as human
  • Ashes, animal — correctly identified as non-human
  • Bones, human, ground — correctly identified as human
  • Salt, from human tears — correctly identified as human
  • Acid, with dissolved human tissue — correctly identified as human
  • Packaged meat, retail — correctly identified as non-human. Exception: one package reported as 2% human (confirmed by alternative testing).