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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a foundation - tested fireproof safe, bolted to the ground, which may be left unlocked is to be locked at all times except during approved testing. No flammable materials unrelated to testing are to enter SCP-XXXX's testing room or fireproof safe. Due to instances of unapproved testing, SCP-XXXX's containment room is to be fitted with one (1) CCTV camera with a two-day recording backlog.

Researchers entering SCP-XXXX’s chamber must wear full-face gas masks with new acid-gas-level filters attached, as well as fully protective fire proximity suits rated up to or above 1,093℃.

Note: Given the nature of SCP-XXXX's anomaly, the gear is pointless - but its clunky and hot enough to keep those bastards from fooling around with XXXX. Not every Safe-class is like 458.
- Leonard

Additionally, after revelations about SCP-XXXX's composition resulting from Incident I-XXXX-04, any food items coming in contact with SCP-XXXX are only to be handled or consumed by Class D expendable personnel.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm box, open on one face, with walls 5 cm thick. SCP-XXXX is made of an unidentified dark black graphite-like substance referred to as SCP-XXXX-01. As long as the box is whole and not fragmented or cracked in any way, the interior of SCP-XXXX remains at an unknown temperature tested to be in excess of 106 Kelvin. However, none of this heat is radiated past the opening of SCP-XXXX's interior.

Pieces of SCP-XXXX-01, when broken, pull apart into fibers extremely similar to asbestos insulation. If SCP-XXXX is cracked or broken in any way, the largest piece will begin to grow additional fibers until it can reform into its original shape, at which point it resumes its main anomalous property.

SCP-XXXX-01 does not appear to be affected by heat to any degree, known both from testing and due to it's lack of reaction to the immense heat within SCP-XXXX. During and after heating, SCP-XXXX-01 remains at a constant 23℃. SCP-XXXX-01, in a fibrous state, is also extremely toxic, and concentrations as small as .05 ppm, if ingested, have been found to induce instant tumorous growths through the body.