professor shawarma's first SCP

Item #: (to be determined)

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a standard holding cell with at least 1 armed officer of security clearance of 2 or higher at all times. Incinerators are to be stationed outside the cell, and the officer watching SCP-XXXX must contact his overseers to disable the incinerators temporarily when changing shifts.

Description: SCP-XXXX appears to be a standard white recycling bin. It's materials and composition are identical, but despite this, all attempts to damage it have failed. Every 10 minutes (approx.) a sheet of standard paper will rise out of SCP-XXXX, float in the air for a second, and then twist itself into various forms. Each form will be able to move in the same manner as the creature it is imitating, and gains the same durability, powers, and speed of the creature in question. so far, 13 different forms have been discovered. (see test logs below)

airplane activated, hit a far wall and exploded, killing the d-class in the room
swan flew off, was incinerated upon leaving the room
shuriken picked up by researcher and thrown at a D-class. D-class went to infirmary with minor injuries
miniature version of SCP-682 killed 2 D-class and a researcher, currently being contained in a separate room, studies are ongoing
telescope used as intended, works as normal telescope
ball thrown at floor, bounced off and hit ceiling
dragon flew into the air and attempted to breath fire, caught fire itself
house no effect, shown to SCP-085
snake bit D-class, poisoned and killed him. specimen confirmed to have been an asp
wolf howled, then pounced on D-class. wolf destroyed and D-class put in hospital with a missing hand
elephant attemped to be picked up. D-class failed and elephant stepped on his hand, crushing his fingers
knife used against a D-class. D-class suffered a major cut in the area of impact, sent to infirmary.
sailor hat researcher put on, heard sound of waves.