
Here's where I'll be storing all the jokes I see made on site 19:
(as suggested by Site#19 user <dumdum>
in association with nanoro, conwell, dr_leonard, soundchaser
and a ton of there people who were not here when I wrote this intro)

1. <SoundChaser>: To-ffee or not to-ffee, that is the question

2. <Conwell>: Nobody expects Conwell. Not even Conwell

3. <MorgiePie>: If alexandra pinged an article for 'meat tubes' I'd be mildly worried.

4. <Projectzerozero>: you guys are now voice acting wood
DocGrindsler is oak

5. <MorgiePie>: "SCP-173 attacks by overloading the victim with its fabulous statue powers"

6. <Nanoro>: Someone is searcing for SCP-1004
<Nanoro>: "I am just a collector of bizarre items i want it for my box"

7.<DocGrindsler>: some people genuinely believe we're an actual foundation, using a fiction forum to simply cover up our operations.
<clone>: to be fair that is what we imply

8.<DocGrindsler>: I'm a 17 year old in the modern day, and my interests include writing, reading, painting, and plate armor forgery. not the usual 2014 teenager interests

9. DocGrindsler finds spiders cute, so his judgment may be off by a bit

10. <Tuomey>: clone: grindsler? I barely know her

11. <Nemi>: vivax's beard came to him from the dark future of 2016, attaching to him so as to prevent the dire future from which it came

12. <DocGrindsler>: My beard will save the future!
Projectzerozero was not saved
<DocGrindsler>: NOOOOO!!!

13. <Djoric>: wow such draft
<alenny>: very revise

14. DocGrindsler imagines an SCP that is a blob of living, predatory silicon

15. DocGrindsler has forgotten how to english

16. DocGrindsler inserts a generic "It's dangerous to go alone, take this!" joke

17. Projectzerozero loses metaphysical abilities, grows depressed, huddles up into a corner, and cries
<Conwell>: Huh. Usually people only do that after reading something written by Zyn.

18. DocGrindsler is consumed by his own chili bowl and never seen or heard from again

19. DocGrindsler totally didn't accidentally hit backspace and need to re-enter the chat

20. <ProcyonGone>: "Change the names no one will notice" is the plagiarism equivalent of a fake moustache.

21. <Dr_Sanford>: … They copyrighted the word "Real"

22. Dr_Sanford opened TVtropes to come up with personality traits for his persona
Dr_Sanford nearly immediately regretted this desicion.

23. <MouseMats>: 'Fill out these forms - if you dare!'

24. SoundChaser raises kaktus' arm in the air as crowd roar

25. <Gargus>: The only logical action is international piracy

26. <Gargus>: Invest in parrots

27. <Fourier>: You know what they say
<Fourier>: Shift happens

28. <ghostchibi>: oh fuck a window neopets is still down
<Tombstone>: > fuck a window
<Dr_Leonard>: It's quiet
<projectzerozero>: WHAT NEOPETS IS DOWN

29. <Conwell>: I have people mistake it for Cowell, Cowbell, Cornwell, Cornwall and That Weird Kid.

30. <CaptZolgabeard>: CaptDrStien: Yarr. Draft sighted off the starboard bow! Preparin' ta board!

31. <admiralzerozero>: sadmiral

32. <MacLeod>: My name is MacLeod. I'm here to chew bubblegum and kick ass, and I'm all out of ass.