Punosaurus' Ideas

*Object Number:*

*Object Class:* Safe

*Special Containment Procedures:* SCP-XXXX is uncontainable due to it's immense size and is to be monitored for any movement. Movement is to be monitored through the use of Seismometers placed in regions that are confirmed to be a part of SCP-XXXX. If SCP-XXXX is to begin movement, an evacuation order will be issued for the region of Oceania and SCP-XXXX reclassified to Keter.

If and when SCP-XXXX awakens, the event would most likely constitute an SK-class Societal Shift Scenario. While this is deemed an unlikely event, it is the Foundation's top priority to either:

  • Find a method to neutralize SCP-XXXX without causing geological changes.
  • Prevent SCP-XXXX from awakening.

*Description*: SCP-XXXX is the designation for a dormant serpentine entity spanning most of the country of Australia. SCP-XXXX's size cannot be precisely measured, however, due to regions such as the █████ ███████ Ranges, which has been confirmed to be a segment of SCP-XXXX, a rough estimate of at least 3,500 kilometres have been

SCP-XXXX's skin is reflective, giving it a 'rainbow' coloration. SCP-XXXX also has an anomalous effect dependant on the heritage of persons viewing exposed areas of SCP-XXXX's skins.

  • If the subject is not related or has less than 50% indigenous Australian heritage the subject will feel what is described 'A calming sensation' and 'a beckoning' . During this, heartrate of the subject lowers to below average levels and the production of adrenaline is reduced in response to dangerous situations.(See test-XXXX-A)
  • If the subject has more than 50% indigenous australian heritage, a fear response will be induced, with the subject's heartrate rising to level's to above average levels. If left for long periods, the subject becomes more agiatated.

Samples of skin and blood have been taken from exposed areas of SCP-XXXX. Testing revealed that the DNA is a mix of most species of the suborder [REDACTED]. The implications of this development are being considered.