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SCP-XXXX on display at [REDACTED] Museum

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be stored in a well ventilated room with dimensions of 4x4x2 metres. The ventilation ducts should lead directly to open air and should not be obstructed by air conditioning units. These ducts should allow remote opening and closing. Ducts should only be closed if testing is to take place, and should be authorised by level 4 personnel or higher. Entry to SCP-XXXX containment chamber should be fitted with an airlock and decompression chamber. A viewing window of reinforced glass with dimensions of 2x1 metres and 5cm in thickness should be in place. Necessary precautions in order to prevent unauthorised access via air ducts should be taken, including, but not limited to, high tensile steel grates over outside and inside openings, motion detection and alarm, and 24 hour surveillance. It should be noted that all previous attempts to contain SCP-XXXX have proved unsuccessful. See Additional Notes.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a wooden chest, roughly 60cm in length, 40cm in width and standing 40cm high. It shows considerable water erosion and decay, the wood decomposed to the point where analysis has become inconclusive. The hinges have rusted but are still functional, and are composed of solid iron. It is unremarkable in weight or any other physical property for an object of it's size. The original lock and bolt was broken prior to the Foundation attaining it, and are composed of iron similar to the hinges.

The object was discovered in the shipwreck of the [REDACTED], a 15th century cargo ship, situated ~10km offshore near [REDACTED]. It was recovered and taken to the [REDACTED] museum where it was emptied, partially restored and placed on public display. Over time the effects of SCP-XXXX became gradually more severe. The foundation was was alerted to it's existence after the exhibition room became unsuitable for human entry through the presence of SCP-XXXX. Several museum staff were hospitalised with pulmonary haemorrhaging from exposure to the effects of SCP-XXXX.

The anomalous effects of SCP-XXXX manifest when the object is sealed in an area with little or no ventilation. Although the measured physical properties of the room remain unchanged, the effects on human beings are as if the pressure in the area gradually increases. This can lead to anything from a popping sensation in the ears in mild cases, to nosebleeds, headaches, haemorrhaging, and death in the most severe cases. The severity increases over time left in sealed containment, increasing over a variable period of roughly 60 days. See addendum XXXX-1.

The rate in increase of severity seems to be consistent regardless of the room volume. In addition, effects can 'spread' from one area to another if the seal is removed, for example, opening a door. This will occur gradually unless the seal is completely airtight. Subjects exposed to the effects SCP-XXXX may also develop decompression sickness upon exit from the area affected by the object if effects are severe enough. This can cause extreme pain and is potentially deadly, hence Class D personnel assigned to testing should decompress after entering the containment chamber when ducts are closed.

It should be noted that no actual pressure change occurs during the period SCP-XXXX is active.

With its present containment procedures, SCP-XXXXs threat should be neutralised, however it's previous containment 'breaches' cause it's Euclid classification. Monthly reviews of the site housing SCP-XXXX are to be carried out by level 5 personnel. See Additional Notes.