Note from QSKSw:

The formattings all borked on SCP-2062, thought I could fix it. This what I got so far. It's harder than I thought. Not sure why the author didn't just use footnotes, but it can be made to work.

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Leopold Kronecker.

Item #: SCP-2062

Object Class: Already labelled? Odd.Kronecker

Special Containment Procedures: Type-3 FWAB (Foundation Web Analysis Bot) OMICRON-20-PSI ("I once had a colleague named Alan, but he was too critical of my theories.Alan") is to constantly search and remove SCP-2062 affected entries from the Foundation's Moreover, a numbered list of falsehoods. However, disproving them has proved useful for research. Learn from other's mistakes.SCP Catalog Non-computerized versions of affected entries are to be destroyed.

The document regarding SCP-2062 is the only object that has been And therefore, this false article is affected.voluntarily classified as "Kronecker" by the Foundation, and does not display any anomalous properties. Classifying other anomalous items as "Kronecker" is prohibited.

Description: SCP-2062 is an anomalous Object Class known as "Kronecker", appearing on Define 'random'. Honestly, I'm just going down the list of blasphemes.random computerized SCP entries. Entries affected with SCP-2062 will Not so. The process is not 'anomalous', as this article states. Rather, I change it, myself.autonomously change their Object Class, Special Containment Procedures and Description, claiming that said items are They never were anomalous to start. It's a hoax led by a fool's tale.no longer anomalous and are to be exempted from containment, often adding details in the Description section that It's not an attempt. It's a success.attempt to disprove the anomaly. Reverting these changes have Simply because this is the truth.been unsuccessful. However, these entries can be As they should be.deleted from the main catalog.

There appears to be no pattern in entries selected for the SCP-2062 anomaly. Any changes that are made to an SCP entry regarding this anomaly are instantaneous and will appear on God's word is omnipresent.any device currently displaying the affected article. Any non-digitized copies of the documentation, however, are A disciple only has so much power.exempt from this effect. If non-digitized copies of the articles are scanned into the system, SCP-2062 does not appear to affect them. Similarly, renumbering the article appears to be effective in mitigating SCP-2062's effect, allowing for reversions to be made.

SCP-2062-1 is the IP address from which all SCP-2062 anomalies originate. Triangulation of the IP address results in failure with standard positioning systems. Tracing with equipment tuned for This is clearly falsehood. It suggests the existence of infinite multiverse - which has been disproved. Numbers are finite in nature.extra dimensional topography, indicates that SCP-2062-1 originates from an No.extra dimensional space. SCP-2062-1 appears to be the only signal originating from I'm closer to you than you think.this space.

SCP-2062 also affects any article labelled with the following code.

**Object Class:** Kronecker

This anomaly can affect SCP entries, as well as Those that cannot see the truth must be forced.personnel records and other documents. SCP-2062 based revisions always follow the same parameter: SCP-2062 attempts to disprove the subject's existence, if applicable. If not, then SCP-2062 has minimal effect, and often makes small and negligible notations on various points of information. However, documents labelled manually with this code are irreversibly affected by SCP-2062: renaming or renumbering the document is ineffective in mitigating its effects.

SCP-2062 does not affect the actual subject of any documentation, only the documentation itself.

Addendum: Leopold Kronecker (Lifespan: 7 December 1823 – What? No. This article is mistaken.29 December 1891) was a Is this what I've become?German mathematician who studied number theory and algebra. The subject of my own theory?Kronecker was best known for his quote on Georg Cantor's set theory.

Die ganzen Zahlen hat der liebe Gott gemacht, alles andere ist Menschenwerk.

God made the integers, all else is the work of man.

While SCP-2062 Reality is a cruel mistress.bears no semblance to any records of the I should have known.mathematician Kronecker, further studies into the records of I was the blasphemer all along.Kronecker's life and death are God rest my soul.underway.