Quillweave's Sandbox 1
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Item #: XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a standard storage locker at Site 23 with clear warnings against usage and to be kept away from any other medical equipment to prevent the possibility of mistaken usage. If SCP-XXXX’s storage locker is at any time found empty a full-scale search of the medical cabinets of all personnel and humanoid SCPs must take place to ensure it is found before usage. It is not currently known whether the effects of SCP-XXXX and diseases caused by it are contagious.

Description: SCP-XXXX appears to be a tube of over-the-counter cream, used to soothe general soreness, aches and discomfort caused by minor ailments. The tube itself is unremarkable in appearance, with white, yellow and blue ‘DOCTOR CURATIVE’S MIRACLE CREAM (™)’ labelling on the tube itself and instructions on the back, but with no other distinctive markers. It should be noted that Doctor Curative as a brand name or the name of a practicing doctor does not and has never existed in known history. The instructions written on the package read as follows:

Are you plagued by earaches, ingrown toenails, sunburns or other painful afflictions the doctors won’t take seriously? Don’t you worry –DOCTOR CURATIVE(™) is here to help! We understand how much these supposedly ‘minor’ ailments hurt, and we’ve got just the thing for you. No matter what your problem, from a simple headache to an itchy rash, smear DOCTOR CURATIVE’S MIRACLE CREAM (™) on the afflicted area, and voila! No more pain! For external use only.

The tube itself holds two anomalous qualities – firstly, it seems to have the ability to detect sufferers of minor ailments, as it will place itself in the bathrooms and bedside tables of persons with such afflictions via seemingly random, instantaneous cases of transportation within five kilometers, ‘hopping’ from place to place. While subjects in experimentation with SCP-XXXX have described a mild compulsion to use it, it appears to be easily redirected and more based in the subject’s discomfort with their affliction and desire for relief rather than any further anomalous properties of SCP-XXXX.

It also appears to hold an endless amount of cream despite the proclaimed amount of 60ml. When squeezed to eject the substance it forms and molds as a typical tube, but when 70% or more of the cream within has been used it will within a 24-hour period regenerate itself, slowly filling once more with the original quantity of cream. It is currently unknown how this process takes place, as SCP-XXXX will not regenerate if the cap is off and other investigative techniques would require destruction of the tube, which it is speculated would destroy the properties of SCP-XXXX.

Contained within the tube is a substance that when tested appears to hold no medicinal ingredients whatsoever, instead consisting entirely of non-medicinal components common to similarly mass-produced over-the-counter creams, including paraffin liquid, glycerin and polysorbate. The substance is off-white, smooth and has a consistency similar to that of butter, with a slight greasiness.

Following instructions on the back of SCP-XXXX’s packaging, the cream is to be applied to any number of minor discomforts including to ingrown toenails, the outer ear for earaches, the temples for headaches, the sites of rashes and ‘other minor ailments’. Within minutes of application the user appears to be free of pain and convinced their condition has been cured, despite all visual and medical signs remaining, and is content with their treatment.

From there on, the affliction that was originally treated will develop at a greatly exaggerated rate, turning from minor health problems to potentially debilitating or even fatal cases of sepsis and cellulitis, severe full-body rashes and other potentially fatal conditions. A full log of known ailments resulting from usage of the cream can be found below. Throughout the progression of their affliction, users of SCP-XXXX will insist they are recovered and may even stubbornly refuse further treatment. At this point victims of SCP-XXXX may need to be forcibly treated to prevent even further progression of the affliction leading to permanent disability or death.

In rare cases, users of SCP-XXXX may develop a sort of addiction to the product, attempting to use it on every minor affliction as unimportant as bug bites in order to imbue their entire bodies with the same sense of painlessness as the originally treated area. At no time are diagnosed hypochondriacs or persons with chronic pain disorders to be exposed to SCP-XXXX.