Quite fond of geckos
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Item #: SCP-3670


Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3670 can be held in a standard concrete enclosure with windows, requiring a minimum of 70 square meters of space. It will become very hostile and stressed if not provided with a sufficient amount of foliage, nesting material, and hiding places, as well as a small body of water in which to bathe and drink. Their requirements are similar to any regular zoo animal, such as a bear or tiger. A separate holding compartment is required in its enclosure for when the cage needs maintenance. SCP-3670 can be easily lured into the holding compartment with sound recordings of a bleating goat, as well as the smell of food. It will eat pre-killed animals and meat, but it needs to eat live prey at least twice a week for enrichment purposes.
Under no circumstances should a staff member be in the enclosure with SCP-3670. If a staff member needs to enter the cell, SCP-3670 must be enclosed in the holding compartment. Before entering the enclosure, all staff and personnel must wear steel-toe boots in order to prevent stepping on a stray spine that may have fallen off of the organism.

Description: SCP-3670 appears to be a large female bipedal mammal with traits similar to that of porcupines, possessing four limbs, retractable claws, and slit pupils. There is a talon-like appendage at the tip of its tail, which serves as an extra hand. The appendage possesses an opposable thumb, and can be used with great dexterity. Its mouth can open very wide, up to 160 degrees. It possesses intelligence that is almost like a human's, and its IQ is similar to that of an ape or dolphin.

Its body is almost completely covered (its paws and ears being exceptions) with venom-injecting spines which vary in length. The venom injected by the spines is composed of potent neurotoxins and amino acids, such as the poneratoxin and moroidin (present in organisms such as Dendrocnide moroides and Paraponera clavata), as well as other components.
While the toxin itself isn't particularly lethal, it causes extremely severe pain in living organisms that are capable of experiencing the sensation of being hurt. If stung by one of its spines, the recipient will experience up to 26 hours of very intense pain. The point at which the spine penetrated the organism will be red, swollen, and tender. If the stung area is further disturbed, prodded, or scratched, the swollen area will begin to hurt again. If an organism is penetrated by multiple stingers, it will likely start to convulse and writhe, unable to do anything but scream and twitch. Ultimately, the organism will lose consciousness, and then expire due to circulatory shock and stress.

The way that SCP-3670 stings animals, and its behavioral response to stinging said animal, is quite the subject of fascination. Upon being given live prey, it will quietly stalk the animal and pounce on it. It will then wrap the prey in its arms and hold it close to its body, sending its spines into the organism’s flesh, and observing its struggles with what seems to be cold fascination. It exhibits behavior that implies that it derives pleasure and satisfaction from the prey item’s suffering. If SCP-3670 is not supplied with live prey, it will exhibit symptoms of boredom and become ornery and dangerous, and may attempt to escape and cause a containment breach.

Addendum: SCP-3670 seems to have some correlation with three other organisms, which were all discovered around the same time: SCP-3671, SCP-3672, and SCP-3673. They all have abilities which revolve around one central pattern: the senses. From what we’ve observed, these organisms are designed to torment the human senses of touch, sight, smell, and hearing, deemed "dementors of the senses". SCP-3670 is speculated to be an entity that targets the sense of touch.