Quynine's Sandbox
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Item Number: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be contained in a standard Foundation humanoid containment cell, the door of which should be designed to lock in the case of any psionic activity from SCP-XXXX. All staff directly interacting with SCP-XXXX are to be trained in psionic resistance and must have a Psionic Resistance Score of over 89. All other staff are to only interact with SCP-XXXX through two-way radio. Under no circumstance are staff of Level 3 clearance or higher allowed to make eye contact with SCP-XXXX, even through closed-circuit cameras or one-way mirrors.

In the event of a Class-B psionic wave event, all personnel should consider containment of SCP-XXXX top priority. No sharp objects or firearms should be allowed in SCP-XXXX's containment area at any time. Security Personnel guarding SCP-XXXX are to use blunt instruments only. Feeding will take place with blunt utensils only.

Currently, standard Foundation cover story 319 ("Estrangement due to mistress/another family") is being used as the reason for SCP-XXXX's disappearance. SCP-XXXX is to be granted access to entertainment in the form of books and music which can be revoked as punishment for non-cooperation. It is also required to partake in weekly sessions with the on-site humanoid anomaly psychologist.

Description: SCP-XXXX is Igor Esadze, a former construction worker. Subject is 2.01m tall, bald, caucasian, and is 67 years old at the time of writing. The subject possesses numerous scars on its neck, back, temples, and scalp. Subject is fluent in Georgian and Russian. SCP-XXXX came into Foundation custody after the dissolution of the Soviet Union when a defector (now known as Dr. ██████) brought numerous anomalous assets formerly belonging to GRU Division "P" under Foundation control, which included SCP-XXXX.

SCP-XXXX possesses numerous psionic powers. Firstly, it reads the mind of any person with which it makes eye contact. SCP-XXXX appears to know the thoughts and memories of any person it makes eye contact with, so long as the individual has a PRS1 of under 89. SCP-XXXX does not appear to be able to stop this, which causes it great distress. The second psionic event occurs when SCP-XXXX is under periods of extreme emotional or physical distress, or when a coded signal2 is broadcast within 200m of it.

First, brain activity in SCP-XXXX will increase rapidly. This causes SCP-XXXX great pain, which may or may not amplify the effect of the resulting event. Next, SCP-XXXX will emit a Class-B psionic wave, which will affect all sentient beings within 25m, including but not limited to insects, animals, and humans. 70% of those affected will suffer almost instant death via secession of all brain functions. All others will go into shock and will remain affected for an inconsistent amount of time3. During this period of shock, subjects report hallucinations, pain in their temples, and loss of motor functionality.

Addendum XXXX-A: Psychological Report of SCP-XXXX by Dr. Leonid 09/12/1992

From my numerous interviews with SCP-XXXX, I am diagnosing it with severe depression, self-loathing, and borderline personality disorder. SCP-XXXX has expressed numerous suicidal thoughts, and has even once described itself as an "abomination of nature". The subject also exhibits signs of post-traumatic stress disorder, presumably related to events that occurred while under GRU custody. It has requested access to a priest and mass (although not in person) and more varied entertainment to stave boredom. However, the subject has requested that it interact with as few other people as possible. This is because its primary psionic effect seems to cause it severe emotional distress, which could lead to activation of a Class-B psionic event.

The subject has obviously been severely psychologically scarred from its time in custody of the GRU and its internment by the Foundation is most likely bringing up memories of this trauma. I am recommending implementations of a few measures in order to decrease the frequencies of Class-B psionic wave events and to reduce the risk of self-termination in the subject. Firstly, access to a Georgian Orthodox priest on a monthly basis and on holidays, placing SCP-XXXX in a cell with a window, and granting it limited access to knowledge about the subject's family would go a long way in improving the mental health of the subject.

Extreme caution should be used in containment, we simply don't know what will happen when SCP-XXXX dies, but it is obvious from documents recovered that its effects are activated under extreme emotional duress, so the subject's self-termination could have disastrous results. Implementation of my suggestions should be done at the earliest possible opportunity in order to prevent as much risk to the foundation and the subject itself as possible.

Addendum XXXX-B: Translated GRU Division "P" document regarding SCP-XXXX

SIGNED .................. S
RESPONSIBLE PERSONNEL: Mikhail Vyacheslavovich
DETAIL: Project 22-IV-1967 has proven to be a major success. Through procedure "ALPHA-SIGMA-BETA", the subject has been successfully modified. Psionic Potential in the subject has increased up to 150%, and its abilities have surpassed expectations. The subject also responds to a specifically coded radio broadcast (see memoranda 22-IX-1967-A) which can activate its secondary effect on command.

  • However, Subject has also proven highly resistant to cooperation with Division "P" staff. Subject has shown signs of clinical depression and extreme self-loathing. This heightened sense of emotional distress has exacerbated the frequency of the secondary effect of the Subject's psionic abilities.

In its current state, the subject is considered unsuitable for use in almost any capacity. At the current moment, the subject refuses to leave its cell unless threatened with violence. However, the potential uses of the subject are well worth the barriers that must be crossed in order to achieve them. Notably, the subject's secondary effect has a potential military application, however, the psionic "red zone" of its secondary effect is prohibitively large, and could result in unnecessary casualties.

Proposed methods of increasing cooperation:
(i) Propaganda Indocternation - APPROVED - Subject will have a radio installed in its containment chamber, which will play messages telling it about its duty to its motherland, and how Division "P" members can assist in this duty.
(ii) Increased Threats of Coercive Violence - PENDING - Subject will be threatened with greater coercive violence, including torture, if it continually refuses cooperation. Actual usage of this violence will be left to the decision of security officers. Pending approval by Division "P" Site 22 command.
(iii) Interaction with Family - PENDING - Subject will be allowed limited contact with his family. Subject will be taken to neutral meeting ground to be agreed upon at a later date. Subject will be allowed 20 minutes of communication with family. Family will be closely monitored and terminated in the case of seditious or agitated behavior. Pending approval by Division "P" Site 22 command.
Proposed uses:
(i) Covert Usage (Interrogation Tool) - APPROVED - Subject will use its primary ability to ascertain the thoughts and feelings of captured hostile elements to assist in information extraction. Subject will not make any comments directly to hostile element, nor will it attempt interrogation itself. Subject will simply read the thoughts and relay those thoughts to the primary interrogator through one-way mirror.
(ii) Covert Usage (Field Agent) - REJECTED - Subject will be trained as a field agent which will act as a silent method of eliminating large threats. Radio transmitters placed out of the psionic "red zone" will broadcast to the Subject at the right time. Rejected due to questionable loyalty and ability of Subject.
(iii) Military Usage - PENDING - Subject will be attached to a larger military unit, which will use it as a "bomb" to be dropped in a large area prior to activation via radio signal. Pending military and GRU command approval.