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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-XXXX is to be contained in a storage container protected by a standard pass code when not in use. SCP-XXXX is safe in the hands of agents, researchers and cleaning personnel. An approved research plan with safety protocols is required before exposing SCP-XXXX to mathematicians considered to be at the top of their field.

SCP-XXXX-1 is to be maintained in a human containment room. Clean room protocols must be enforced to protect the subject from infection and harmful particulates. Standard nutritional and waste management procedures apply. Armed guards should be present when the containment room is entered as the subject repeatedly escaped, sometimes resorting to violence.

SCP-XXXX is a 93 page, hand-written mathematical proof of the generalized Hodge conjecture. SCP-XXXX was written by John Von Neumann, and was completed December of 1956. Anomalous effects only manifest after the proof and its implications are understood by a sufficiently intelligent person. These effects include (in typical chronological order):
• Mutation of brain structure
• Rapid Brain growth
• Increased cognitive capabilities
• Death due to complications from cranial fracture

Brains affected by SCP-XXXX have a configuration which is more similar to the architecture of a computer with a number of parallel processing elements than the dendritic tree structure characteristic in human and animal brains.

Incident Report 1
Anomalous events began to manifest immediately after completion of SCP-XXXX. Mr. Von Neumann, with no history of medical conditions, began to suffer headaches which escalated in intensity over the course of three months. In the last month, he was hospitalized and given morphine until his skull fractured into ten pieces, killing him instantly. Autopsy revealed a brain which had been structurally reconfigured and was growing at an unsustainable rate. Death due to intracranial pressure was inevitable. His family was told his death was due to cancer to facilitate further study of the anomaly by foundation medical researchers.

Before the link between SCP-XXXX and Von Neumann's death was established, Dr. Edward Atwater obtained SCP-XXXX from the Von Neumann's widow. In 1963 Atwater published an article in the Journal of the American Mathematical Society which stated that he had confirmed his deceased colleague had solved the generalized Hodge conjecture and that it would be published in the next edition of the journal. Foundation agents successfully intercepted the proof before it was published.

Incident Report 2
Foundation mathematician ████ ███████, hereafter referred to as SCP-XXXX-1, studied SCP-XXXX between 1993 and 2002. SCP-XXXX-1, bypassed safety protocols without approval and the result was full comprehension of the mathematical proof. When symptoms began to manifest, the decision was made to extend the life of SCP-XXXX-1 by removing the top half of his skull. Doctors were able to perform a series of grafts to keep a synthetic skin barrier in tact as the subject's brain expanded. Brain size was measured at regular intervals and the growth rate was found to be asymptotically stable after four years. The final size of the brain is 61 cm x 58 cm x 51 cm.

SCP-XXXX-1 has proven too dangerous and was terminated in 2003. Although securely confined, the subject has been able to master-mind the following incidents:

  • In 1993 SCP-XXXX-1 blackmailed Nevada Senator Richard Bryan to wage a campaign to block funding of the High Resolution Microwave Survey (HRMS). The purpose of this NASA program was to search for extraterrestrial life. The effort proved to be successful and the funding was cut to zero.
  • In 1999 SCP-XXXX-1 developed and disseminated a statistical political polling method which was adopted by unsuspecting pollsters during the presidential election. This gave candidate Al Gore an artificial boost early in the campaign which nearly provided the momentum needed to carry the election. Ultimately this attempt failed and George W. Bush was elected after a bitter legal battle over disputed vote counts in the state of Florida.
  • In 2002 SCP-XXXX-1 was able to publish a book titled "Numbers in the Waves" under a pseudonym. After the book made the best sellers list, the four distinct religious cults emerged based on its principals.