


SCP-XXXX in one of his forms.


Object Class: Keter.

Special Containment Procedures: Due to the unknown nature of SCP-XXXX. SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a locked 3m*3m*3m cage made of titanium and [Data Expunged]. The cage can only be opened from the outside by one electronic key under the command of a O5 Council Member . The cage is to be kept in a Room with walls of concrete and [Data Expunged]. The door is made from similar material as the cage. The door is 1m wide and locked by 10 electronic lock. In order to open it, 10 level 3 or higher personnel must insert their key card at the same time. The room is located in the Area-V to make disposing of SCP-XXXX easy in case of a failed containment. Interaction with SCP-XXXX is restricted and should be monitored due to SCP-XXXX's ability to shape-shift into any human he sees and his ability to learn and think. it is assumed that SCP-XXXX can be smarter than the smartest human being on earth.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a 2.5m creature with shape shifting abilities. Until now we don't know how it looks like but currently it is taking the form of a shadowy figure, but it is solid. When encountered for the first time it looked like a humanoid creature with abnormally long arms and claw like hands. it is approximately 2m tall while standing on two and 1m tall while standing on it 4 four limbs. Attempts to communicate were unsuccessful. It was first spotted in [Data Expunged] by a group of researcher with one of their trap camera used to capture nocturnal animals. A task force was sent to capture the researchers for questioning. the researcher didn't have enough data; therefore, they were given an agent with amnesiac property to make them forget the finding and later they were sent back to their home. When visiting the site of sighting, Dr.██████ and his team of researchers detected an unexplained low level of radiation. they kept scanning the area. The closer they get to a nearby cave the higher the radiation level. In the cave entrance, radiation level were dangerously high for any living being. Dr.██████ requested immediate sending of class-D personnel to investigate the cave.

Document XXXX-1-a: Cave Expedition Report 03/07/2000.

*At 12am, three unnamed class-D personnel were sent to locate SCP-XXXX inside the cave. Each class-D had a tracking device and a camera on him to record their encounter with SCP-XXXX and to locate them.
*At 03pm, 2 of the class-D personnel got attacked and killed by SCP-XXXX.
*At ███, , one of the D-class came out running an screaming. The D-class didn't suffer from radiation poisoning.
*At 9pm, SCP-XXXX came out of the cave killing all the personnel on site.
*At ███, A Mobile Task force was dispatched to the site after losing contact with the personnel to retrieve the information collected about the SCP-XXXX. They later came back to capture SCP-XXXX. Document XXXX-1-c details how they caught the creature.

All the recording from this incident are to be kept away from the public. level 5 clearance is required to view their content.

Document XXXX-1-b: Log file detailing the encounter of SCP-XXXX on 03/07/2000.

Upon entry to the cave, the class-D noticed a very foul smell similar to rotten bodies. Through the visual inspection they saw a trail of blood. The D-class were ordered to follow the trail. Something jumped at them and mutilated them. The survivor class-D managed to run away from the creature. The SCP-XXXX didn't react to the subject running away from it. It just eat the bodies of the of the two dead D-class.
At 9pm, the creature emerged from the cave running on four. SCP-XXXX showed good agility by jumping from one personnel to another at a very high speed. it took it less than 2 minute to kill all the 50 personnel on site.

Documment-XXXX-1-c: SCP-XXXX capture.

From the data collected, it was noted that SCP-XXXX has a very strong sense of smell. The way it attacked the 50 personnel showed that it has good analytical skills. every attack was calculated. From the remains, it was noted that SCP-XXXX target healthy individuals first. In addition, it showed a high level of physical strength by managing to throw a 3 tonne truck away from its path.
In order to capture SCP-XXXX a mobile task force unit was deployed to the site to perform containment procedure X-5. A 3m*3m*3m cage made using titanium and [Data Expunged] was used to imprison the creature. To lure it to the cage, a very healthy D-class was put inside the cage and placed in front of the cave. A sick D-class was placed next to the cage in order to lock it.
03/8/2000 at ███, the creature jumped out of the cave attacking the members of the task force. Any attempt to shot it failed. SCP-XXXX can move swiftly between the bullets. the sick D-class has to be shot to prevent his escape. after killing most of the unit, SCP-XXXX jumped on the D-class chained inside the cage to devour it. The cage was locked by the 2 survivors. and moved secretly to area-V.

Note: After doing some tests on the 2 survivor from the unit. it was concluded that they weren't attacked by SCP-XXXX because one of the had early stage of brain cancer while the second one was infected by an STD.
Second Note: After analyzing the attacks, it was concluded that SCP-XXXX kill based on how healthy the person is. SCP-XXXX give importance to healthy individuals; thus, killing them first.

SCP-XXXX managed to attack the foundation twice. Data concerning the attacks is corrupted.