Background Information
- RSCP-002 - ███, ██████! The Movie
- RSCP-003 - The Wight
- RSCP-004 - Release the Elephants
- RSCP-005 - Reggie Mantle
Item #: RSCP-000-AVATAR
Object Class: Avatar
Special Containment Procedures: RSCP-000-AVATAR should not be contained.
Description: RSCP-000-AVATAR is █████, the Avatar of Justice.
Addendum: RSCP-000-AVTAR is currently imprisoned by RSCP-000-USURPER, thus inhibiting justice.
Entities of Primary Concern
Item #: RSCP-000-USURPER
Object Class: Usurper1
Special Containment Procedures: RSCP-000-USURPER is to be destroyed.
Description: RSCP-000-USURPER is ████ey Mouse. RSCP-000-USURPER rules the ██████ Kingdom and is actively engaging in an aggressive campaign of expansion. It seeks to bring the universe under its control.
RSCP-000-USURPER possesses no conscience and is thus capable of extranormal levels of depravity. It is narcissistic and has a god complex.
RSCP-000-USURPER is in possession of a [REDACTED], referred to as RSCP-000-USURPER-A. This object allows RSCP-000-USURPER to manipulate the cosmos, to immense destructive effect. USURPER is obsessed with this object and has stapled it to its head, out of fear of losing it.
Aside from this, RSCP-000-USURPER has utilized necromancy to steal a great number of souls, making it very difficult to terminate.
History: RSCP-000-USURPER was created by ███t ████y as a replacement for ██████ the █████ ██████ after he lost possession of it. USURPER was meant to symbolize the joy of creation and hope, but it had corrupted its purpose. This is because it was sheltered and given excessive praise and adoration. This made USURPER narcissistic, believing itself to be superior to all beings.
███t ████y gave RSCP-000-USURPER-A to USURPER so it could use it to unlock its infinite creative abilities to inspire wonder within people. However, it uses this object for depravity.
USURPER first displayed its nature as an usurper when it usurped power from Captain P███, taking control of his steamboat. It eventually overthrew Captain P███ and then utilized the weapons system on board the steamboat to destroy the residence of some civilians. Whether this was intentional or not, USURPER showed no remorse for its actions.
USURPER made a deal with Satan to destroy its conscience, an act which puts it beyond redemption. Satan later regretted this, as even it fears USURPER's depravity.
USURPER eventually engaged in a Royal Duel with RSCP-000-AVATAR in a remote region of the universe. USURPER won the duel by forcing AVATAR to concede defeat, after it threatened to destroy billions of lives (in violation of the terms of the duel). It then imprisoned AVATAR, although it intended to have him executed but lacked the power to do so.