
Riemann's Sandbox


Years ago, the Canadians worshiped the frozen Gods of the north
in their bid to prevent Quebec from seceding, they committed the ultimate heresy
They slew the northern Gods, used their flesh and bone to contain Quebec
They built ziggurats
places of commerce and power
'for their ideas to seep into the minds of the Canadian peoples
that Canada is one land united
United under one banner
Tim Hortons
This is why they apologise, because they know that they have killed their Gods
These are their sacred games, their festivals of atonement

MC&D takes over the afterlife and creates ghost contracts.

Ambrose 2:Go - critic on an island for a week, realises someone else is on it with him. 1 meal per day provided by Ambrose, transforms him into a new animal each day. Penultimate night he fights off the intruder and kills it, finds out it was another reviewer from Waldon. Final day's meal is a fork and a knife. Reviewer eats well that day. Cause he ate the body.

Sponsored SCP from Northrop-Grunman wherein it's actually just an ad for weapons

Hasbro creates an afterlife in order to sell more Ouija boards.

linking the continued belief in the existence of Big Boi with Cold War proxy wars

pitch is that brown dwarf star is being used for interstellar games and almost yeets a deep space probe (You Have to Distance Whip it Nine Yards)

Competitive Eschatology Tale:
Starts with agent talking about how gods being perfect makes them predictable. Then transition to discussion about how "in 1941 men in Los Alamos sought to create a new horseman. Instead, they created a God."

Then there's a battle idk. Take care to mention "Ours is a belief that births Gods. Whose to say Theirs can't kill one?" and how if gods believe they can die, they can die. And that making a god believe in its own mortality is no easy feat.

Music for the above idea is "Paradisi by GosT and Tohuvabohu by KMFDM" Also the DOOM and DOOM ETERNAL soundtracks

idea: people starting to see more blue cars than normal. Memetic agent for something… but what?? Something innocuous or dangerous?

part of an anomalous submarine that periodically expels the bodies of sailors. Men of the sea.

Thank you Soulless for the phishing line.

Server lights flashed red before returning to a deep blue.

Wanda needs to move to talking about Paul's supervisor, then no one listens to her. Maybe she's murderous? Then Bernadette fixes with blobfish. This is not the first time this has happened. Why was this AI coded to feel anger?

Riemann and wei's super cool product.
Herman Fuller, perhaps?

We started with a weird and vengeful entity banishing people they don't like for absurd reasons. I suggested the God of cutlery, their most egregious sin being poor silverware ordering. And then people are tormented by flying cutlery.

Can we make this Herman Fuller? How would we do so? Does the move to Herman Fuller preserve the patented Riemann whimsy? Is there some fusion of body horror and Riemann whimsy?

<Silberescher> Riemann: are you going to write an SCP that travels faster than light but only while swimming
<Riemann> That sounds fun
<Silberescher> TroyL: I imagine that revealing both your secret identity and your secret relationship would be a huge load off, emotionally
<Silberescher> when the reaction to both is positive and accepting, at least
<TroyL> Actually, Riemann: SCP that moves faster than light, but only through mediums which can be found in insanely high gravity environments.
<Riemann> Neutron Stars and Quasars
<Riemann> A new species of star-fish
<Silberescher> does it move faster the more gravity you give it, scaling up on a curve?
<Light-sporadic> Oh, Riemann - was that that guide about mental illness (or, maybe not just about, but definitely including that) that got some flak?
<Silberescher> so the Foundation contains it by firing it into orbit?
<TroyL> Riemann: Make it like the giant squid used to be. We've only found remains.

Uncountably Many Shades of Grey: Kain Pathos Crow is sent to investigate anomalous Fifthist activity on the set of a Wes Anderson production. He is the only option due to Fifthist's unknown means of screening Foundation spies. He gets information from a catnip addicted cat (like, heroin level addicted) that points to Willem Dafoe as the source. He confronts Willem and knocks him out, revealing a pentagram tattoo. Dafoe is not the ringleader. The wall explodes in a Wes Anderson quirky manner, and all the actors are after Kain. He flees, and ends up in front of Wes Anderson, the ringleader. Wes reminds Kain that the Foundation doesn't have the resources to remove Wes' films from public conscious, then the actors close in on Kain. Ends with an excerpt from a movie review about the unusually good performance of the dog in the film, and that the reviewer expects to see more of said dog.


rating: 0+x

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Special Containment Procedures: Foundation assets are to continue monitoring member institutions for instances of SCP-XXXX. Occurrences are to be catalogued and cross-referenced to the known AC1 and AC2 codecs. Access to AC1 and AC2 codecs are restricted to researchers of security level Y98. SCP-XXXX is indistinguishable from other extra-terrestrial signals without access to AC codecs.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a series of unexplained transient pulses of electromagnetic energy primarily in the radio (30 Hz - 300 GHz) band. The first instance of SCP-XXXX, SCP-XXXX-a, was observed in 2012 near the Auriga constellation at 04h 37m 54.4293s / 27h 53m 28.72176s. Retroactive classification of this observation of SCP-XXXX-a was completed on 12/5/20██ with the completion of the AC1 codec.

SCP-XXXX is distinguishable from other Fast Radio Bursts (FRB) by metrics detailed in the AC1 codec. Unlike other FRB, SCP-XXXX appears to demonstrate an anomalous relationship between energy and photon wavelength (e.g, redshift).

Cosmological measurements made using SCP-XXXX indicate a universe age of 14 million years, a factor of 3 orders of magnitude off from accepted theory. Independent followup found that 90% of SCP-XXXX derived redshifts did not correlate with conventional redshift measurements. These followup measurements affirm Foundation theories that SCP-XXXX displays anomalous redshift behaviour rather than new cosmological implications.

In light of these discoveries, SCP-XXXX appear to be electromagnetic signals traveling faster than the speed of light. Redshift differences between host galaxy spectra and SCP-XXX indicate an approximate speed of 450,000 km/s, or 1.5 times the speed of light8. The presence of this anomalous behaviour and the low activity in local environments where SCP-XXXX are found is suggestive of information being transmitted from the future. The possibility of time travel through the use of SCP-XXXX is presently being investigated.

Addendum XXXX.01: Contact
After the internal release of DR-XXXX, SCP-XXXX rates, periods, and WCS coordinates were fed to the Foundation Bayesian procedure, Odyssey, for analysis. Odyssey reported a posterior likelihood that instances of SCP-XXXX may constitute a language pattern with strong (6 sigma) confidence. As per the CETI protocol, Foundation assets embedded at the Square Kilometer Array, Hyper Supreme Cam, and the Sloan Foundation requisitioned instrumentation and began collecting data for the Fall 20██
- Spring 20██ seasons.

Addendum XXXX.02: Initial Findings
Including instances of SCP-XXX observed in the Fall 20██ - Spring 20██ seasons in the Odyssey analysis does not bring linguistic determination within the acceptable confidence interval. Current Foundation involvement covers only 40% of the sky area deemed necessary by Odyssey. The intergalactic scale at which SCP-XXXX appears to be correlated has been ruled out as a false positive. Non-anomalous communication at this scale (minimum observed difference assuming standard cosmology found to be 7.5 billion light-years) has been deemed impossible. Project lead Dr. Alexander Hilbert has requested additional funding.

Addendum XXXX.03: Funding Increase Approved
The request by Dr. Hilbert has been approved. SCP-XXXX constitutes the first attempt of extra terrestrial communication from the future.

Addendum XXXX.04: Results
Research results on SCP-XXXX are complete. Data is stored in the ████████ cluster and no new research into decoding SCP-XXXX messages is to proceed. Foundation containment procedures have been updated to reflect the new status of SCP-XXXX. Dr. Hilbert has been reassigned to Foundation Botany lab in Site ██.

Addendum XXXX.04: Odyssey Translation Transcription
The results of the Odyssey procedure translation are included below.