Stars That See SCP Draft
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A non-anomalous photograph of SCP-XXXX

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: Due to it's nature, SCP-XXXX cannot actively be contained, but should be monitored at all times that it is visible from the Americas using a thirty-meter telescope with a range of approximately eleven-billion lightyears, with a small site managed by several astronomers and astrophysicists, as well as a small crew of researchers and security personnel, henceforth called Site 110, built around the telescope. As there is an approximately seventy-five-year delay between the state of the nebula and the picture received by Site 110, recorded changes in SCP-XXXX will always be behind by a sizable margin. Any images of SCP-XXXX taken by telescopes not under foundation control are to be either destroyed or sufficiently doctored to mask SCP-XXXX's anomalous properties.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a large nebula consisting almost entirely of young white stars, roughly shaped like a human eye. Directly in the center is a [DATA EXPUNGED]-lightyear-across location, mirroring the iris and pupil, almost completely devoid of stars, with the exception of one supermassive red giant, henceforth referred to as SCP-XXXX-1. When observed through a telescope, a video feed, or a still photograph, the center area of SCP-XXXX can visibly be seen shifting around the nebula at a rapid rate in random directions, but never going past the edge of the nebula, resembling a human eye moving rapidly.

Roughly every 12 to 24 hours, a small group of four to five White Dwarf Stars, henceforth referred to as SCP-XXXX-2 will separate from the main cluster and, from the angle at which it is visible from Earth, will appear to be falling downwards at a rapid rate. Important to note is that instances of SCP-XXXX-2 do not appear on photographs of SCP-XXXX. After travelling a distance that as of yet has not been calculated, all of the stars making up SCP-XXXX-2 will simultaneously burn out.

The origin of SCP-XXXX is unknown and age cannot be determined due to lack of similar stars to SCP-XXXX-1 in it's area. The only thing known for certain is SCP-XXXX-1 is much older than any of the younger stars surrounding it and that it is is most likely not the cause of the nebula that has formed around it.

SCP-XXXX was first discovered by NASA in 19██, during the ████████ Telescope test of that year. A low-quality photograph was taken of SCP-XXXX, in which it's anomalous properties were visible. Foundation personnel undercover within NASA retrieved all records of the test, as well as the photograph. Class A amnestics were administered to all NASA employees involved with the test and a highly-doctored version of the photograph that did not display any anomalous properties was placed in the NASA file, along with a series of otherwise-duplicate files that made no mention of SCP-XXXX's anomalous properties.

Addendum: Due to lack of any significant changes in the behavior of SCP-XXXX, it has been requested of the O5 Council by Dr.█████ that Site 110 be disassembled and that only a small skeleton crew based out of the building containing the telescope used to monitor SCP-XXXX should continue monitoring SCP-XXXX. This requested has been denied for the time being.