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Item #: SCP-xxxx

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-xxxx is to be stored in a securely locked box in Low Risk Object Storage at Site-15. Session times using or experimenting on SC-xxxx are limited to 4 minutes, unless testing has been approved in writing by Level 3 Security Clearance personnel or higher.

Description: On first inspection, SCP-xxxx is a standard looking QWERTY keyboard with a logo noting its brand as "HP". Connection is a standard USB connector. Will function on Mac, PC, or Linux devices.

On closer inspection, each key on the entire keyboard exhibits the capital letter H. Any normal typing (including letters, numbers, spaces, and punctuation) will result simply as a string of all capital "H" with no spaces or punctuation.

However, upon typing with only the H button, the result will be exactly what the user is trying to say but just can’t find the words for. Letters, numbers, spaces, and punctuation will all be accounted for. Testing has presented poetry, lyrics, prose, advanced mathematical equations, and marketing slogans at the fingertips of the right user, unlocking what may be the true potential of the human mind.

Note: These effects are only temporary. No matter which words or concepts the user has been searching for at the moment they began typing, after a period of 4.5 to 5.5 minutes the result of using only the letter H over and over will devolve into something more reflective of what test subjects describe as their deepest secrets and fears displayed one letter at a time. For this reason, it is recommended that any personnel attempting to use SCP-xxxx limit typing sessions to under 4 minutes.

Extensive testing on SCP-xxxx has confirmed:

  • A period of at least 24 hours between typing sessions are needed to effectively “reset” any negative results.
  • SCP-xxxx works in conjunction with any software which utilizes a standard QWERTY keyboard: word processors, web browsers, etc.
  • If at any time the computer in use requires a “Press any key to continue” command, none of the keys will work with the exception of the H key.
  • The delete and backspace keys are useless and perform as every other key on SCP-xxxx (with the exception of the H key itself.) No record of any character being deleted after having been typed has been recorded.
  • No spelling or punctuation errors have ever been recorded so long as the user refrains from using any key other than the H key. Grammatical errors have been recorded, depending on the intelligence of the user.
  • The content typed will appear in the language the user is most fluent with. No use of any of the dead languages have been recorded as of yet.

Under no circumstances is SCP-xxxx to be used for logging new SCPs, or in performing any other official Foundation work because in no time at all, the agents words can become unpredictable. But then again, maybe those words can be trusted even more. I mean, if we can’t accept with certainty what we really believe deep down inside ourselves, what can we believe? Does anyone even take all these reports I’m writing seriously anyway? It’s really a miracle that no one has discovered the hack of a writer I am at this point as it is. I won’t be surprised if I’m fired from this whole gig by Friday next week. Oh, God, what am I going to tell Flo? We’re losing our health insurance, our pension, our plans for Italy are going to be out the window? She’ll never forgive me. She’ll leave me without a second thought, I’m sure of it. Then what will I have? Nothing. Nothing but an empty four bedroom house and an alcohol addiction.

Addendum: 8654-A: Official Request by Field Agent ██████ for use in writing his fiancée an apology letter is denied.

Test Log# 1738-47

Evidence Transcript A from Test Log# 1738-47