
Item#: SCP-2993

Class: Euclid

Containment: Only authorized staff are permitted anywhere near SCP-2993. SCP-2993 is to be contained in a stainless steel room, 15 m by 15 m, lined with inner lead walls. Authorized staff must wear proper hazmat suits when entering SCP-2993’s containment and/or handling it. Subject is to be fed water and human rations twice per day. SCP-2993 is not to be exposed outside of its cell unless properly contained and sealed for transportation.
Description: SCP-2993 is a boy, about 10 years old.

Its hair is black, and bits of grey, with some of it falling off. SCP-2993 seems to be in a state of decay. Flesh on the left side of SCP-2993’s face will fall off frequently, often exposing its skull. The left arm, patches of its frail torso, and fingers also share this effect. Somehow flesh will reappear, or regenerate, from areas either from decomposition, or from wounds of outside sources, often occurring while sleeping, or feeding. SCP-2993 has the unknown, and seemingly uncontrollable ability to decay any organic material into ash and liquidated wastes upon close contact. The decaying process can also seem to ‘age’ other materials as well, many metals, (stainless steel and lead are the only two metal materials that don’t appear to be affected so far) seem to corrode into piles of rust. However, fastest results of decomposition occur upon directly touching.

Even with hazmat suits and similar radio-active gear, exposure for too long within a 4 m radius of SCP-2993 will cause said protective gear to erode. As a result, researchers are unable to take tissue material or any other bio-samples of SCP-2993 (pending for construction of elaborate stainless-steel machinery for further handling of SCP-2993). SCP-2993’s behavior is that of a child’s. It is often crying, or sobbing to itself, and looks for something to seek comfort.

Addendum: Despite efforts to calm SCP-2993 and further communicate with it, the subject seems too terrified to respond properly. Staff had tried leaving toys in its cell but they just end up rotting away. It’s also noted that SCP-2993 refuses to leave its cell, and always goes to the farthest corner away from the door if authorized staff enter. It has also been known to cause violent tantrums when attempted to transport it out of cell. Despite efforts to calm SCP-2993 and further communicate with it, the subject seems too terrified to respond properly. Further attempts at testing will be planned to take place inside of SCP-2993’s cell, as well as communication attempts. If managed to fully understand and how to safely interact with SCP-2993 subject will move from Euclid class, to Safe. Until then staff are advised to keep constant caution and keep away from close proximity.