

for some reason tabs don't work for me as in they don't even create themselves. both drafts are on the one page until I can figure this out**

Item #: SCP- 3091

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3091 is contained in a 10m x 10m x 6m container with one exit. The walls are to be repaired every week and SCP-3091-1 instances are to be removed and placed in a separate container until they can be neutralized. The high frequency sonic emitters used to pacify the entity are to be inspected and replaced if damaged. The entity is to be fed only pure metal once a year and no technology other than the tools required to maintain the container are to enter under any circumstances. All personnel wishing to run tests on SCP-3091 must have level 4 security clearance with written permission from 06-█. All experiments must be done with extreme caution.
In the event of containment breach all available personnel are to retreat from the containment area and execute lockdown procedure

Description: SCP-3091 is a sapient, mechanical creature, shaped like a large reptile. It has a long whip like tail, a mildly exaggerated jaw with 300 tons of bite force and a protective steel carapace. This was originally intended to shield delicate equipment from damage, however much of the equipment has been removed for staff safety and containment breach prevention.

SCP-3091 has the ability to alter the shape its body at will. It uses any already present in its body as well as what it ingests. It has used this ability in the past to breach containment multiple times and survive termination attempts. SCP-3091 can eject unused matter from a port in its back resulting in a SCP-3091-1

SCP-3091-1 are large spheres of one pure element that carry an electrical charge regardless of the element. these spheres are 30cm in diameter and vary in weight depending on their composition. they are to be stored in a separate container from SCP-3091 while waiting to be neutralized.

SCP-3091 has the ability to read and speak which it uses frequently to voice its opinion. It expresses a deep hatred for all foundation employees. It has attempt 39 escape attempts with only 3 succeeding. The most successful escape attempt was attempt 33 which happened on the 23 of April 2013 (see addendum 3091-B for details)

Addendum 3091-A: Containment of SCP-3091
SCP-3091 was discovered on 19/4/2001 in the town of ████ in Australia. The existence of SCP-3091 came the knowledge of the foundation when several complaints where made against Edward nelson's "Bloody robot". These complains were made when SCP-3091 partially ingested neighbours of Mr. Nelsons vehicles and other property.
SCP-3091 was previously owned by a rural junk yard owner Edward Nelson, He preformed his own experimentation on the entity prior to containment. Most of the experiments were on diet variations and basic what if scenarios.
On 20/4/2001 the first attempt at securing the entity failed. the failed containment attempt resulted in three casualties and the unintentional death of Mr. Nelson. This caused SCP-3091 develop a hatred of the foundation.
On 21/4/2001 SCP-3091 was captured, moved to site █ and placed inside its temporary container

Addendum 3091-B: escape attempt 33 of SCP-3091
on 23/4/2013 SCP escaped containment by faking a critical malfunction. the entity intentionally caused non-vital circuitry to short circuit to emulate sparks flying. It acted out a seizure before collapsing on the floor of its cell where it lay for 72 hours. The security team was convinced after 72 hours and were permitted to clear out the container. SCP-3091 then attacked and killed all three guards and casually walked out of its cell.
SCP-3091 then went from cell to cell tearing away doors and killing guards who tried to stop it, The entity freed five other SCPs before they forced their way out through the main entrance. This breach resulted in 39 casualties from SCP-3091 alone. SCP-3091 evaded the foundation for three years before being discovered in mourning over the grave of Mr Nelson.

Addendum 3091-C: termination attempts
5/5/2009: Dr ███ ordered D-3071 D-582 and D-8567 to attempted to disassemble SCP-3091.
result: SCP-3091s parts refused to dislodge from the entity's main body. Anything that could be removed would dissolve, travel back to its previous position and reform as if it were never removed.

8/3/2010 Dr ███ attempted to melt SCP-3091 by raising the temperature of the container to 1400 degrees Celsius
Result: the entities body melted down but stayed in its original shape for three hours before collapsing into a puddle. Once the room cooled the entity took thirty minutes to reform. SCP-3091 then said to Dr███ "what, did you think a little heat could kill me?".

10/3/2010 Dr ███ attempted to use a standard car compactor to crush SCP-3091
Results: the entity was able to resist the force applied by the car compactor until it succumbed to the machine five hours later. SCP 3091 then began to reform.

23/4/20013 Dr ███ tried using EMP emitters to terminate SCP-3091.
result: The entity was unaffected by the EMP emitters. However, the entity used this opportunity to escape by faking its own termination (see addendum 3091-b for details).

were tab two should start but didn't if you don't want to read my bad first attempt don't read further


object class: Euclid

SCP-3091-1 has proven impossible to contain due to two factors, 1) the entity has the ability to negate amnesia agents within a radius of 7 kilometres due to a chemical agent that it mass produces from a pair of green boxes located in-between its shoulder blades. they have proven too hazardous to remove because the entity will involuntarily react violently. 2) the current companion of SCP-3091-1 [Data Expunged] is a well known scrap yard owner in [Data Expunged] Australia, this combined with the anti-amnesia agent the entity releases, could cause a public uproar and reveal the foundation to the general public. it is not recommended to try and contain SCP-3091-1

SCP-3091-1 is a rapidly evolving mechanical creature of extra-terrestrial origin. while SCP-3091-1 has changed over time It is now currently shaped like a large reptilian creature with a long tail measuring approximately 4 meters in length, a mildly exaggerated jaw with a "tooth-like" structure, resembling a set of bolt cutters with a jaw strength comparable to a car compactor and large scales that form a protective carapace to shield sensitive, delicate equipment from damage. It measures from head to the tip of its tail approximately 7 meters in length, 3 meters in height when standing upright and weighs 130kg. It has gained rudimentary sapience since the last inspection in [Data expunged] as well as the ability to read and speak.

SCP-3091-1's relation ship with its current owner, [Data expunged], is similar to that of a loyal dog, the entity will defend [Data expunged] with nonlethal force unless told otherwise, The entity will escort its owner while not within the perimeter of █████████████, While inside the perimeter of the scrap yard it will exhibit several idle behaviours ranging from scavenging for new technology and material to a "sleeping" sub routine.
SCP-3091-1 seems to be able to understand the value of life, it will not harm humans or animals intentionally without a valid reason. When in a violent state SCP-3091-1 will usually defeat its enemy in a nonlethal manner, however when presented with a threat that could actually destroy the entity, it will use enough lethal force to kill the threat however it has hesitate and has spared one D Class personnel who were instructed to kill SCP-3091-1 (See addendum 3091-04 for details).

SCP-3091-1 Exhibits three anomalous behaviours; 1) the entity consumes and assimilates foreign technology that is new to it. 2) consumes inorganic material to repair and grow, it has a growth limit of roughly around the height of an average polar bear and a length yet to be determined. 3) the entity ejects unneeded and undesired inorganic matter as instances of SCP-3091-2 and organic matter as instances of SCP-3091-3

SCP-3091-2 is a sphere made when enough of one, single pure element with the only exception being Teflon objects, all instances of SCP-3091-2 carry an electrical charge Including those which are made of elements that don't normally do so and are capable of powering a 40 inch flat screen TV for about an hour. they are usually around the size of a bowling ball.

SCP-3091-3 is an organic object after being consumed by SCP-3091-1, they remain the same shape and substance as when they are first consumed by SCP-3091-1 with only two anomalous affects; 1) the object carries an electrical charge similar to SCP-3091-2 however it lasts for twice as long. 2) The object becomes magnetic attracting Ferris metals and instances of SCP-3091-2, this resulted in D class personnel unintentionally being pummelled with the objects, during one of the magnetic strength tests three D Class personnel where hospitalised due to this incident, they described the impact as being hit with a cannonball (see addendum 3091-03 below for details).

Addendum 3091-01: on ██/██/200b█ a list of items that SCP-3091 had been fed was submitted to the foundation by [data expunged]. this list included 37 items, the most notable of them was a Blow torch, air compressor and propane canister, these three items were used to construct a flame thrower within the mouth and throat of SCP-3091-1, the foundation has discussed the topic of whether or not the owner of SCP-3091-1 should be left to experiment with the entities diet.

Addendum 3091-02: the following month of Addendum 3091-01 another list of 28 hand fed items and a few printed photos of the results was submitted to the foundation again with a few notable items including an old plasma cutter, decommissioned stun gun and a discarded solar battery. the foundation has decided that it would be cheaper and easier to let [data expunged] test diet variation of SCP-3091-1.

Addendum 3091-03: on ██/██/200█ the foundation send three D class personnel along with five in armed guards posing as [Data redacted] robotics development agents to conduct tests on the magnetic strength of SCP-3091-3, upon becoming the instances the magnetic anomalies manifested and all three subjects became stuck together by magnetic forces as well as being enveloped in scrap steel from around the property, the anomaly lasted for 30 minutes before suddenly stopping and allowing the subjects and scrap steel to fall away, all personnel escaped with their lives and were hospitalised with heavy blunt force tissue trauma and several fractured and broken bones.

Addendum 3091-04: SCP 3091-1 was escorted by [Data expunged] to site ██, by order of the foundation. The aim was to test various interactions with other SCPs and the potential combative capabilities of SCP-3091-1. the entity was placed in a bullet proof chamber along side a D class subject armed with an LMG of undisclosed make. the subject was ordered to fire upon SCP3091-1 and was hesitant at first but proceeded as instructed, the entity startled and became aggressive. the entity charged at the subject first knocking the gun out of his hand, swallowing it and then pinning down the subject it one fluid movement. The entity placed its jaws around the subjects cranium and then paused while the subject whimpered. a few seconds later SCP-3091-1 removed its jaw from around the subjects cranium and proceeded to exit the testing chamber.

A note to all personnel: do not try to handle SCP-3091-1 without the owner present, this has resulted in an employee losing his leg after kicking SCP-3091-1 in frustration and the entity becoming distraught afterwards. The reason we keep the owner present when testing occurs is because the entity will listen to no one but the owner and a few other employees that the entity has an affinity with. (In case you are wondering yes, he survived and yes, we reattached his leg).