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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a soundproofed containment cell furnished with 1 standard sitting stool as well as 5 folding chairs set up in such a way that SCP-XXXX can "present" from the stool to any audience members in the chairs. The room is to be equipped with lights capable of being dimmed by a simple, handheld remote, the possession of which will be given to SCP-XXXX for it to use at its own discretion.

To ensure the utmost cooperation from SCP-XXXX, 5 on site personnel, selected at random, are to sit in as audience members for SCP-XXXX's performances. At least one researcher must be present for each performance to document any new instances of SCP-XXXX-1.

For their own safety, and for SCP-XXXX's, all audience members are expected to use proper theater edict during performances. D-Class personnel are not to be selected as audience members. See Incident-XXXX.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a male of European descent with long, red hair, and attire that is similar to most modern day orchestra conductors. Where its face should be, SCP-XXXX instead has a miniature theatrical stage. At most times of the day, this stage is completely hidden by SCP-XXXX's hair, which acts as a stage curtain. SCP-XXXX is fully capable of speech, and has demonstrated that it can see, despite its lack of a mouth and eyes. SCP-XXXX appears to be fluent in all known languages, but tends to prefer speaking mainly in those of European origin. The only time when SCP-XXXX's stage is visible is when SCP-XXXX-1 manifests, at which point SCP-XXXX will part its hair. When questioned about its age, SCP-XXXX stated it is "as old as the stage itself".

SCP-XXXX-1 manifests as a cast of miniature humanoids who will begin performing a certain type of live theater on SCP-XXXX's stage. SCP-XXXX-1 has been observed performing plays, operas, symphonies and something one researcher described as a "Penn & Teller-esque magic show". SCP-XXXX has shown to be very affectionate towards SCP-XXXX-1, referring to them as its "little friends". SCP-XXXX becomes much more amiable and cooperative after SCP-XXXX-1 has had an audience to perform for.

Should proper theater edict be broken during a performance, such as if an audience member begins talking or booing, all onstage cast members will stop their performance and stare at the offending individual. Should the audience member continue to ignore proper theater edict, SCP-XXXX will become confrontational and request that the offender leave. If SCP-XXXX's request is ignored, it will attempt to forcefully remove the audience member.

Incident-XXXX: During a performance of "Othello", SCP-XXXX tackled D-8692, a particularly ill-mannered audience member. The ensuing fight was quickly broken up by the four other audience members, but not before a cast member of SCP-XXXX-1 was grabbed and killed by D-8692. SCP-XXXX became distraught and all performances by SCP-XXXX-1 ceased. All attempts to communicate with SCP-XXXX at this time were unsuccessful.

Two days after the fight, D-8692 suddenly disappeared from his holding cell, at around the same time, SCP-XXXX-1 began performances again. When questioned, SCP-XXXX's only response was "We got a new cast member".