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Photo taken from window of an observer of SCP-XXXX in late spring.

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX must be contained in a 20 x 20 meter room. The room must be dimly lit at all times during the Summer season. During other seasons, the dim light is unnecessary. SCP-XXXX must be watered via sprinkler every day for 10 seconds. SCP-XXXX must be under surveillance at all times.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a 15 meter by 4 meter cornfield that was found in ████████, █████████, United States of America, and came to the attention of the SCP Foundation on ██-██-██. If SCP-XXXX remains thirty days lacking hydration, SCP-XXXX will begin to move along the ground at a speed of 3 km/h. SCP-XXXX summons SCP-XXXX-1 during the Summer season. SCP-XXXX-1 is an animated scarecrow, SCP-XXXX-1's left hand has various garden tools on the hand's fingertips. SCP-XXXX-1 is capable of advanced vocalization. SCP-XXXX-1 vocalizes in the English language with a Southern US accent. SCP-XXXX-1 appears unable to leave the perimeter of SCP-XXXX. SCP-XXXX appears to be acidic, the soil of SCP-XXXX has a pH of .1. SCP-XXXX-1 is unaffected by the acidic properties of SCP-XXXX.

Any animal life that enters the boundaries of SCP-XXXX will cause the intruder to be under a hypnotic trance by SCP-XXXX-1. This hypnotic trance will lure in the intruder to the center of SCP-XXXX. When the intruder reaches the center, the trance will break. After the trance is broken, SCP-XXXX-1 will eliminate the intruder. If the subject is eliminated, SCP-XXXX-1 will dismember the deceased intruder. SCP-XXXX-1 will begin to scatter the intruder's remains across SCP-XXXX. SCP-XXXX will proceed to absorb the remains into the soil. Once the remains are fully submerged, an entity known as SCP-XXXX-2 will begin to grow. SCP-XXXX-2 appears to be a corn plant. The cobs from SCP-XXXX-2 will appear to take the shape of the body part that was previously in the plant's place. For instance, if a hand was planted, then the cob will take the shape of a hand. Subjects who have consumed SCP-XXXX-2 have experienced a taste similar to human flesh. Other species of animals which have been transformed into SCP-XXXX-2 have similar taste to the respective animal. If any keratin was on said body part, they will appear as corn silk. SCP-XXXX-2 will decay at a rate similar to an ordinary corn plant. SCP-XXXX-2 is unaffected by the acidic properties of SCP-XXXX as well. If a lack of animal matter arises and continues for thirty days. SCP-XXXX will produce a grumbling noise and begin moving at 3 km/h until it absorbs animal matter.

Any plant matter that enters SCP-XXXX (other than SCP-XXXX-2) will be gathered by SCP-XXXX-1. SCP-XXXX-1 will insert the plant matter into itself. Three minutes later, SCP-XXXX-1 will excrete a mass of animal matter in the shape of the plant matter that was inserted into SCP-XXXX-1. This animal matter is referred to as SCP-XXXX-3. SCP-XXXX-3 seems to have a life span of one year. Within this year, SCP-XXXX-3 will grow in size, and does not require nutrients of any kind. SCP-XXXX-3 is not affected by the acidic properties of SCP-XXXX-3.

Any dead matter from SCP-XXXX-2 or SCP-XXXX-3 will be decomposed by ordinary decomposers in the surrounding ecosystem. SCP-XXXX will not show any specific reaction towards fungus matter.

Interviewed: SCP-XXXX-1
Interviewer: Dr. G█████
Foreword: Interview between SCP-XXXX and Dr. G█████
<Begin Log, ██-██-20██, 14:50>
Dr. G█████: Do you know how you came into being?
SCP-XXXX-1: Nope. You're just as clueless as me, just sort of appeared one day and that was that.
Dr. G█████: Is there any reason for the things that you do?
SCP-XXXX-1: This is for my master.
Dr. G█████: Who is your master?
SCP-XXXX-1: He is the master.
Dr. G█████: What is his name?
SCP-XXXX-1: (Laughter) I'm just tugging your guts, there ain't no master. I hate doing it, but when someone steps in my cornfield, its like some involuntary reaction.
Dr. G█████: Interesting, do you have a name at all?
SCP-XXXX-1: Well, most folks around where I lived called me Huckleberry, I guess they saw that the name fit me.
Dr. G█████: Do you have any kind of relationship with SCP-XXXX?
SCP-XXXX-1: You mean my cornfield? Well, he always grumbles at me when I don't got no food.
Dr. G█████: All right, how often did you interact with the townsfolk when you lived in ███████?
SCP-XXXX-1: There were some great folks in that town. Shame for all of those who tripped and fell in my cornfield. I remember, about every month, a group of teenagers would come to my cornfield to see if I was a phony. They learned the hard way.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: Dr. G█████ left the room. SCP-XXXX-1 continued normal behavior.1