
SCP-2106: Object Class keter: SCP-2106 is a highly aggressive creature, SCP-2106 is able to kill and human or machine in a 7829 mile radios. Description: SCP-2106 has ragged clothing, dry blood stains on said clothing, old carving gloves, eyes removed from the skull, no nose, and has very large teeth. Weapon: SCP-2106 carries a large curved Sickle with blood on it from its victims. SCP-2106 must be contain at all times if incase of breach of SCP-2106 cell Task Force will be the first unit to get it back in containment. Interview audio log: SCP-2106 interview with Dr.-— and Dr.--, Dr.—: Hello? SCP-2106: *Breathing* Dr.—: Does SCP-2106 capable of speech? SCP-2106: Yes I am very much… Dr.-: Oh. Well um why do you kill people? SCP-2106: Well it's very easy to explain, I kill them because they are not fit for the world that we live in. Dr.-: Oh is that so but why do you think that. SCP-2106: Well Doctor we live in a world filled with cattle, cattle like you that needs to be put down. Dr.—: Do you hurt any animals or children? SCP-2106: No, animals are not people. I have a bond with animals actually. And really… Children? What type of SCP do you take me for? Dr.-: Well first off… Wait? You know your and SCP? SCP-2106: Why yes, This is the SCP Foundation also know as "Secure" "Contain" "Protect." You people run a horror show with millions others of SCP's like 096 or 173. Dr.-: Holy shit… Well we didn't know you knew all about us. Umm why do you destroy machines? SCP-2106: Well they have no purpose of the world to help us. Dr.-: Okay umm, do you like the other SCP's? SCP-2106: Yes very much they are like my friends. Officer -—: Sir we have to cut this off now. Dr.—- Okay umm, thank you SCP-2106 for this interview. Testing: When putting in 3 Class D SCP-2106 went over and picked up one and cut his lower chest open and threw him on the wall. He slit the 2 Class D throat and bite his finger off. He did the same for the last Class D and left them the way it is. We took the bodies out and put a Pomerania in their to see the reaction. SCP-2106 put down his Sickle and got to his knees and rubbed the puppies stomach making the SCP-2106 happy. We then put a 10 year old child in with SCP-2106 and the child ran away from him crying. SCP-2106 says "Don't be scared young one I'm not going to hurt you." SCP-2106 then picked up the child and hugged him and played games with the 10 year old. After we took him out we put 3 SCP's in there with him. SCP-049, SCP-106, and SCP-682 We also put in SCP-999 to see what he would do. SCP-2106 reaction when seeing SCP-049 was very calm. Both SCP's talked very intelligent and left. SCP-2106 did the same with 106. 682 was a different story. SCP-682 tried to attack 2106 but failed, 2106 flipped him over and said to calm down which it did and left. 999 played with 2106 for hours on end and left. We did one more test on SCP-2106 with SCP-035. The victim with the mask on was put in the room with SCP-2106 and attacked him but was stabbed with his Sickle and died. SCP-2106 then put on the mask but… Nothing happen? He used it like any old mask and sat their bored with it on and finally took it off. SCP-2106 is shown to be hostile with any human over the age 20 and will attack them. I now close this with a showmen of signs seeing that SCP-2106 will not be terminated and will stay in contaminant and will see SCP-999, SCP-049, and SCP-106 to maintain active including the use of animals and children.