
Item #: SCP-1334

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:
Item containing SCP-1334 is to be kept plugged into a standard 110 volt outlet at all times in an empty room within Foundation control. Level 3+ personnel are to be given full access provided usage is to be kept under the premise of research.

SCP-1334 is an anomalous copy of the popular-at-the-time-of-writing indie video game, Minecraft, released in late 2011, stored on the HDD of a normal desktop computer. The object's anomalous properties are not inhibited by modification of the video game. When the game is activated, all humans in the same room as SCP-1334 are slowly pulled into the monitor screen, forced to play on the same multiplayer session. After activation, people may freely enter and exit the room containing the object and observe activity of affected subjects. Communication among subjects is visible as text near the bottom-left corner of the screen. When subjects were asked how they communicate, many reported feelings similar to, "I just knew" and were unable to elaborate. This process is suspected to be a form of telepathy.

When subject(s) are pulled into the monitor, they are forced to live out the video game, and are capable of all actions featured in non-anomalous copies. Tests with the game's "Creative Mode" function are to be denied because of the obvious security risk. If any subject dies within the game, they are possibly erased from existence. It is unknown where subjects are taken after death, if anywhere. Subjects report being able to feel pain, however, physical fatigue is not experienced unless they are indicated to be hungry. The only way to exit the game is for the defeat of the game's ultimate enemy, the "Ender Dragon". At that point, players are subjected to watching the end credits and are ejected from the monitor afterwards, often leading to minor injuries such as sprained joints.

Items brought back from the game are ejected from a pocket universe on each subject's person moments after expulsion from SCP-1334. Interestingly, all items exhibit the very same properties as the real-world counterparts they represent, although they are semi-2-dimensional. All items are 1/16 meters thick, and almost all blocks are 1 cu. meter in dimension. For example, gold blocks are malleable and are able to be hammered into thin sheets, and swords can hold their own against real swords.

SCP-1334 was found in the possession of a Mr. [REDACTED] █ weeks after his disappearance. It is hypothesized that Mr. [REDACTED] was killed in-game after jumping down a pit. Signs near the pit serve as his suicide note. The note shows that Mr. [REDACTED] lost all hope of ever escaping the video game and has resorted to killing himself.

Addendum 1334-01:
Request to test items brought back from SCP-1334 with SCP-914 granted. -O5-██
All input is from SCP-1334

Input: 1 diamond
Setting: 1:1
Output: 1 diamond*

Input: 1 gold ingot
Setting: 1:1
Output: 1 24k gold ingot*

Input: 1 wooden pickaxe
Setting: Coarse
Output: 3 wooden cubes, two straight wooden sticks

Input: 1 wooden pickaxe
Setting: Fine
Output: 1 stone pickaxe

Input: 1 diamond pickaxe
Setting: Fine
Output: A mining drill, found to be from a third-party Minecraft modification

Input: 1 raw porkchop
Setting: Fine
Output: 1 cooked porkchop

Input: 1 raw beef
Setting: Rough
Output: 1 rotten flesh

Input: 1 red apple
Setting: Very Fine
Output: 1 golden apple

Input: 1 gunpowder
Setting: Very Fine
Output: One supercharged creeper, hostile to all human life. Exploded, creating a large crater and killing [DATA EXPUNGED] Class-D personnel. All future tests with gunpowder are to be denied - O5-██

Tests with TNT are to be denied after what happened with the last test.

I know the possible financial opportunities of bringing back diamond blocks, but you're risking your lives. Please, if anybody else uses the computer to bring back valuable materials, we will confiscate it and we will have to restrict access to SCP-1334. - Dr. ██████