Doctor Dexter
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Item #: SCP-2198

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:

All of the packets of SCP-2198 are to be sealed and to not be opened unless granted experiment privileges, if a packet is found unsealed, 1 D-class personnel is required to incinerate the unsealed packet of SCP-2198 with tweezers in a 500° Celsius incinerator and have the D-class quarantined. SCP-2198 packets are to be kept in a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m refrigeration unit to ensure the seeds safety.

Description: [Paragraphs explaining the description]

SCP-2198 appears to be an ordinary packet of pumpkin seeds, the seeds can be grown and the pumpkin can be eaten. SCP-2198's anomalous properties start appearing when the seeds touch any sort of other plant, animal or human. If a human touched SCP-2198 they are to be designated SCP-2198-1, SCP-2198-1 will start to have all of their organs encased in a sort of unknown flexible metal that are embedded with circuitry. Eventually SCP-2198-1 will have their blood vessels replaced with wires that carry small amounts of electricity. Finally SCP-2198-1 will start to have their brain mechanized, after it has been mechanized SCP-2198-1 will begin to be incredibly intelligent. SCP-2198-1 will have their IQ increased by 200, they will be skilled in any task even if they have had no experience previously.

However they will begin to show increased aggressiveness, they will attempt to justify this by saying that all humans are useless.