SCP-2203 "The Siren"

Item #: SCP-2203

Object Class: Keter

Special containment procedures: SCP-2203 is to be kept under strict supervision in a 3 x 3 meter windowed containment cell SCP-2203, following several breakout attempts is to be kept within a 1 x 1 meter steel & concrete cell, [REDACTED] gas is to be pumped into the cell in order to keep SCP-2203 sedated, any noises should be ignored and retreated from, and in the event that groaning is heard report to the nearest medical area immediately.

Description: SCP-2203 is a humanoid weighing 45 kilograms with blue skin, sharp nails, and blank white eyes. these eyes seem to glow in low light scenarios, and SCP-2203 can be easily recognized by this factor. SCP was contained by mobile task force ██████ on January ██, 19██. the anomalous effects of SCP-2203 have varied throughout the years, but in recent time, it has shown to have a fondness for a specific method of attack that follows like this

1. a subject is within ten meters of SCP-2203 for a period of fifteen minutes hears a creaking sound, but other subjects, just out of range report to hear no such sound.

2. at approximately 3:21 AM SCP-2203 will appear just outside of a subject's bedroom door, scratching and mumbling unintelligible words, keeping the subject in a state of tired paranoia, in a prolonged test, it has been shown to do this for three weeks.

3-A. a subject will go outside of their room to investigate, at which point SCP-2203 will use its sharp claws to puncture the █████ on the upper half of the body, causing large amounts of pain and almost instant death, after expiration, the subject will quickly decompose, going into complete rigor mortis within a minute, at which point SCP-2203 will feed on the subject's rotting flesh and return to the area at which the exposure began.

3-B. the subject will not investigate and instead will begin to groan loudly, causing internal bleeding and rupture of the ███████, █████, █████ and ██████ tendon. at which point the subject will expire and SCP-2203 will enter the room and begin feeding on the subject, appearing to enjoy this event more than 3-A, upon which the subject has been consumed completely, SCP-2203 will take the form of the subject, and move freely around, looking for new victims.