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Item #: SCP-2207

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2207 is to be kept within a 4 m by 4 m containment cell. SCP-2207 is to be fed a live dog every ten days, and maintenance is to be done during the five (5) days of SCP-2207's digestion. If a personnel is bitten by SCP-2207, the infected area of the bite must be amputated with a five minute timeframe. If treatment is unperformed after the timeframe expired, infected personnel must be terminated immediately. SCP-2207 must also be kept over 80 degrees Celsius, and anti-freeze is to be used for full sedation, in case of emergency.

Description: SCP-2207 is a serpentine creature, resembling that of a Viper or Adder, measuring 5 to 6 feet in length. Scales, eyes, and even blood of SCP-2207 are tinted in a deep blue color, with areas chipped away to show a pitch black skin texture similar to leather. It also has 5 inch sabre fangs located at the front of the mouth.

Subjects within SCP-2207's containment cell Report of strange, almost inaudible whispers, that can be more commonly heard during the months of November, December, and January. It is unclear as of yet where the whispers are coming from, and is unsure if they are indeed coming from SCP-2207. It is aggressive towards personnel and subjects that observe it's enclosure, emitting a rattling noise similar to a rattlesnake, and prone to attack if the victim comes within two (2) feet of SCP-2207.

SCP-2207's fangs secrete a deadly liquid into the body once it bites into a subject. Upon closer study and chemical analysis, the venom contains a number of different lethal, man-made chemicals, which include ███████, and ███████████. The victim of SCP-2207's venom claim to feel sudden cold flashes, body temperatures drop down to forty degrees bellow zero (-40), causing the victim to freeze from the inside out, and expiration occurs after one hour since the time the victim has been bitten. Once the victim's frozen, the ice will spread up to a twenty foot radius, turning those within the radius into ice as well.


SCP-2207 was discovered in Siberia, where the creature was found within an abandoned cabin by a group of seven (7) explorers. two (2) managed to retrieve help, while the rest remained. SCP personnel became involved after the men returned, and found SCP-2207 huddled in the corner, with five of the men frozen solid, one of which had puncture wounds on the neck, arm, and leg. SCP-2207 appeared agitated upon discovery, and escaped to the nearby town of ███████, where it retreated to an abandoned building until it was captured three (3) days later.

██/██/████ - SCP-2207 breached containment during a heater malfunction, causing the deaths of ██ personnel on Site █. It avoided capture for forty eight hours until it was subdued when personnel assaulted it with flamethrowers, and was soon recaptured, and relocated to a warmer cell.